Chapter 29 - within the fleet

Start from the beginning

With the destroyers following around him, the admiral soon smiled at the sight and looked back at the OX as he too followed along as he began to smoke outside as he waited for a response from the admiral, seeing that he was silent as stone, the XO said nothing as he continued on his smoking. The admiral, seeing that the silent treatment wouldn't do much other than being awkward, gazes at the XO and tells a somewhat story to have a type of convo to be made.

"I can tell one thing, ever since that agreement was made, Japan during the 60s finally turn into a significant country for both America and countries within Asia, and since then we had we the only country before china to have carriers and modern made warship, till both South Korea and China started to develop the newer carrier, now before we leave earth itself, china became a stick to our difficulties as our prime minister willing to defend Taiwan, had our navy be given many things."

"Japan was the only country within Asia to have more carriers active within the fleet, and China saw this as a problem, since then I for one only join the navy due to our history and my willingness to defeat china was on my head, and due to this transportation, we will never know what happened to Taiwan."

Reflections of the dilemma back in the old old world would return time to time to Admiral Hikaru, even after the transportation, he worries about the difficulties back in the old world and with the two of the biggest nations who will stand up against china just disappeared, the feeling of being a traitor was over thought by the admiral. Being the man who proposed the prime minister Takahashi for a naval improvement plan, the plan he suggested back in 2017 was made for one reason only being china. 

Gone with china, many of the events that were looked upon in japan back in the old world were now not thought off, after the 7-day silence, Hikaru looks most of his colleagues sees the opportunity of the new world, and with many beginning to not speculate much of the situation with Taiwan and China, with many of the high ranking commanders, expectations were high to say for the new world and even Hikaru thoughted that as well, A gaze from the sky after thinking about it, made him see that the world that his nation was transported wasn't peaceful as he thought it be, he imagines the cities within the homelands burning to the grounds as wyverns above fly high as tanks with legs marches within the streets of Tokyo, and the site of seeing the imperial family being killed in execution. Made him disturbed to see, and glanced back at the XO, the commander said nothing to the admiral, looking away at the direction he was facing and seeing that he was faced by the admiral, he questioned him.

"Yes sir?"

The dense silence soon came after the response from the XO was heard, and seeing that none of the other officers within the room listened, Hikaru exhaled from the exhaustion, standing properly he told the XO something that made him bother out.

"I must say, the world we are living in is nothing like earth, but even our old planet was peaceful despite the feeling of a conflict against the Chinese was glomming from the distance. It was thought with everyone within America and Japan, we expect that in the new world, we have found only two countries that weren't barbaric but rest of the nations we saw are atrocious and not only that sometimes be ridiculous. Hell, the only reason why we are in this goddamn war is that the nation we are fighting only attacked us. After all, we didn't follow their request?!"


"The world we are inhabiting is not something that everyone expected, five of these countries, just barraged us and chances are that even after we find newer countries we will seek for the diplomatic cause, some of these people would probably have ideals similar to the thurms, or artesian And for this, I will have the navy and the coast guard be prepared."

The XO understands what the admiral was saying, knowing that he was the person who made the navy reforms back in 2018, glancing back at the window to see the endless ocean, he too knows that the world wouldn’t friendly one by the time the war against the thurmifimans was won, even if Hikaru plans to make a bigger fleet for the new world, the government current issue is for the people back at home, with many nonjapanese tourists getting sunk with japan, problems of the housing these concerned "refugees'' where the current problem, as the government of Japan isn't key to having these people be in their country without any citizenship, concerning that even America to is having the same crisis. Even if he approves to make a better fleet, information about the new world begins to be handed out, the government would have to make newer programs for the military and navy.

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