Chapter 9 - Surrender and compensation

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Bernina continent.

Granola Dynasty, Halueve Carlen.

The Granola Dynasty Halueve Carlen, a city filled with Greens. The Kingdom, where Mostly Elfs, was a quiet day as Everyone at the Kingdom where a flock to see Metal beast.

As Rumors in the Kingdom of Flying Metak Beast Landing near their Kingdoms Center. The marketplace was quiet; many people watched in astonishment as they looked on a Flying Metal Beast; pilots wearing their green uniforms looked dumbfounded as it was their first time seeing Real Elfs.

Among the group, the Elvan King looked at the Giants Metal Beast, as he was Fascinated by the Giant Steel, his royal Guard too awe at Chinooks.

"Markus!, tell me what this machinery is!" The King asks!

"Your Highness, I do not know this machinery," the mechanic replied.

Both of them are dumbfounded by the weapons as both have never seen such, as they looked at the rear of the chinook behind a CH-53 super stallion standing behind it, catching the eye of King and elf Engineer as they soon headed to the stallion.

The King was more Amazed by the size as it was more significant than the chinook. The engineer was more shocked, as it was similar to the Machine he had seen in the 1st Civilization, behind it a man Came outside as Soldiers with Berets stood beside him, the diplomat then greeted the King.

"Good morning Your Highness, my name is Mason William, I'm a diplomat from the United States."

"United States? I never heard of such a Nation," the King replied.

Mason knew that this would happen, as in words from Johnson. "There are people who wouldn't believe our Country it's better off convincing them," He remembered as Mason then explained furthermore.

"...Well it's a country that is 20 miles from here, and we took a helicopter ride to come here."

"Helicopter?" The elf engineer thoughted; as the elf looked at the Super Stallion once more, his words might true.

It wasn't his first time seeing a helicopter but the size of it was Shocking, to say at least.

For the King, he was Shocked as he then Explained to Mason about the United states Landscape.

"20 Miles from here? That place is desert, not even the 1st Civilization can make it from here," he said.

"Well sir, Our Country was- How should I say this, 'Transported' with the Country of Japan, and I came here to make Relations with your Country."

The King soon understands he to Had read about 2nd Civilization theory about Things Transported, neither to say he then speaks more.

"I see that I guess you are here for Relations with our country?" He said.

"Yes sure and not only that we would have Trading routes be prepared for this"

It made the King Quite joyed by that, his Nation was in a food crisis for two years, as Farming of Grain has been very low, And the Shipment from Alervon halted as Shipping from Alervon stopped, due to the blockade from Aetesian Ships. But due to the Aetesian Empire, he then Notifies him about the Aetesian.

"I see, but Mister Mason, the threat from Aetesian ships could Cease or stop our trading routes you must Realize that," he said. Which the Mason Confentedly told The King the excellent news.

"Well Your Highness, Both The United States and Japan are currently Fighting against the Aetesian Empire and that we can be sure our relation to both our countries will surely be strong," everyone heard that. They were surprised that even the King was Shocked by his Statement.

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