Chapter 49

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Shrithik came back late at night when Sameera was in bed. She heard him but didn't bother to check on him. She was sleepy.

Next day when she woke up Shrithik was going somewhere. She didn't get the chance to ask him where he was going because he left quickly.

Seven days passed in the same way. Sameera cooked and cooked for one because Shrithik never ate anything. She was worried as to why he was acting the way he was acting.

And she got a perfect opportunity to ask him.
It was 7:00p.m. and Sameera was sitting on the sofa. As usual he was out of the house but he came back to take something. He entered the house with Sameera's eyes stuck on him. He entered his room, did something there and was once again ready to leave.

And that was when she asked

"Where are you going."

He didn't reply. He started going but she stood up and held his wrist that was on the door knob.

"Old man. I asked where you are going."

She asked and he looked at her with dangerous eyes.

"None of your business."
He snarled and that shocked her.

Her hand dropped from his but she stepped closer to him.

"What has happened old man. Please tell me. Why are you being so-"

"It's none of you goddamn buisness."

He snarled once again.
She looked at him softly and once again with a calming voice spoke

"It is. You are my roommate, old man. How can I-"
Shrithik was slightly disappointed that she saw him as a mere roommate but he had something else sucking his soul.

"And you don't need to worry about your roommate that much."
He snapped and she flinched.
But holding his hand she stopped him from turning around once again.

"But you are my friend right? You are acting so strange. That-"

"That's how I am Sameera. Leave me. I have to go."
He said in a calm manner snatching his hand away.

"No you are not. At least tell me what-"
She again tried persuing.

"It's none of your fucking buisness goddamit. Why can't you understand?!"
He shouted and she set her jaw.

"What is so private that you can't tell me? Huh? You have not been eating at home. You are not here most time. How the hell I am not supposed to worry? What the-"

"Why do you care?"
He asked angrily with narrowed eyes. She was irritating him.

"Because I love you!"
She snarled and took deep breaths. He stilled for a moment but remained calm.

"I care because I love you. Just tell me that everything's okay."
She said with almost pleading eyes but his remained emotionless.

"You shouldn't Sameera. You shouldn't care."
He whispered and turned around.

"Shrithik. Please. List-"
She kept her hand oh his shoulder but soon her face was jerked to a side.
A loud slapping noise echoed through their silent house and in a flash tears fell through her eyes without even touching her cheek.

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