Chapter 1

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He watched as that guy stood at the roof of the college building.
Everybody was shouting at him to get down but he refused. Shrithik thought he was just bluffing. So he turned and started walking away.
"The reason for my suicide is Shrithik. I am fed up of his bullying. I can't take it anymore." And after that there was a loud thud. Shrithik stopped dead in his tracks. He ran towards, now a dead boy. Everything was dead silent.

Then somebody screamed. And it all became chaos. Ambulance, police, college staff, students, everybody was there. In a human sea. Shrithik went numb for a moment. Somebody died because of him? Guilt was seeping through his veins.

Everybody saw him with hatred.
Everybody cursed him. But one was effective.

"You attention seeker! You bullied him for attention. Your carvness for this fame had grown so much that you didn't even think about the limits you are crossing.
Because of you, my friend, my love, my everything died. I curse you, you will starve this attention. You will never die. You'll just be invisible. You will see your close ones die in front of you. You will live a lonely life. I curse you to be invisible."


Sameera looked through the cupboards of her kitchen and sighed deeply when found only a cup of instant noodles. It has always been her nature to keep things till the last minute. Whether it's assignment or shopping. She'll not go shopping until there's nothing which can be used. Same goes for assignments. She'll start working on it two hours ago and still it will be best in her class.

"Looks like I have to eat this only." She poured some boiled hot water in that cup and closed the lid.

After she was done eating she decided it was finally time to go shopping. She picked up her phone and a carry bag. Plugged in her earphones and made her way out to a mall.

Healthy food is her first priority, so the raven haired girl first went in the vegetable section. It's the thing with Indian food. It's so delicious that a vegetable like brinjal tastes so delicious when made a curry.

She was inspecting a cabbage and walking when she bumped into someone.

"Tsk! Can't even walk properly." It was a deep manly voice.

Sameera was still so busy inspecting that cabbage that she mumbled a
"Sorry, my mistake."

She kept her hand on his trolly and strolled past him. Still not looking up.
And that guy was shocked to his core. Not only that girl said sorry to him, but kept her hand at his trolly and went past him without even looking at him?

When everything was kept in her trolley and Sameera was ready to pay she remembered biscuits. She shook her head at herself thinking how can she forget such important thing.

She was in the food isle, looking for some good biscuits when she saw him. He was handsome to say the least. A sharp striking jawline. Dark tousled hair. Tall body with muscles flexing at every move. Perfect example of tall, dark and handsome. But then she saw what he was doing.

He saw here and there, when assured nobody was watching, held out a bag and kept many items. By the way he looked around before keeping things was suspicious so she followed him. His bag was full of items. He simply kept all the things of one trolly at the side in his bag.
Sameera was surprised at how is he even managing to hold that bag which had food which could weight atleast 10 kg.

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