[04] Ripped Receipts

Start from the beginning

"Oh... don't worry about it then. I must've thought wrong."

"I'll tell you a secret! Takemichi-kun still has his wallet from elementary school. His wallet is merchandise from that superhero show he used to watch. So if you see a bright yellow wallet with a red hero on it, it's either a kid's wallet or Takemichi-kun's."

"I'll keep that in mind, Tachibana-san. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Like I said before, you can call me Hina, okay?"

"Yeah. I'll see you another time, Tachibana-san."

"Wait, [na]–!!" You hung up the phone. As usual, Takemichi was no help in times like this. You let out a heavy sigh – why were you even spending your afternoon trying to find the owner of the wallet? You were too nice of a person.

You were also quite annoyed with Hina's boyfriend. How could he have been that careless to lose your number? Perhaps you were thinking too badly of him though; maybe he dropped it on his way home by accident. Then again, you did give him your number almost two weeks ago. Maybe he wanted to throw it away but someone picked it up? Who in their right mind would pick up a random number though?

During this time of thought, you found yourself out of the shopping district and in front of a convenience store. You did need to buy a few things for dinner, so you might as well purchase them now. "Welcome!" Before buying anything, you asked the cashier whether she had lost her wallet. "No, I haven't lost mine. But there were two boys who came in here about... half-an-hour ago, who claimed they lost a wallet."

"Could you tell me what they look like? I'd like to return it to them."

"Uh... sure. One of them was about your height, he had like, dyed blond hair with an undercut. The other had long black hair, about half a head taller. They seemed to be in black uniforms too. If you hear two guys on the street shouting they're hungry, it's probably them."

"...Thank you very much." Half-an-hour was still a short delay; they were probably still in the same area.


"Baji-san, please don't give up. If we don't find my wallet, we're gonna be hungry until dinner." Chifuyu stopped to look at his fiend who was sitting on the curb. "Baji-san?"

"Chifuyu, we've been walking around like headless chickens. Come on... how did you lose something like that?" Baji leaned back on his hands and looked up at the blue sky. "I'm going to die of starvation."

"Stop being so dramatic. Let's go back to the convenience store and see if there are any clues there. Maybe I dropped it in the stall and out fell under the stands or something? If we don't end up finding it... we'll raid Takemichi's fridge." Chifuyu stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked off, knowing that Baji was going to follow him no matter what.

The two entered the store for the second time today and looked around. "...Huh?" Chifuyu heard the cashier mutter a few things. "Hey! You two boys!"

"Who are you yelling at?!" Baji was feeling a bit antsy.

"Baji-san, stop that!" Chifuyu pushed his friend behind him. "Yes...?"

"A girl came in the store like two minutes ago saying she found a wallet. I don't know if it's yours, but..." Chifuyu slammed his palm against the counter. "Erm–"

"Where did she go and what does she look like?"

"She headed towards the shopping district down the road. She's wearing a black t-shirt with some jeans... I don't know, I wasn't looking closely. I told her about you two so she's probably on the look out. Just shout 'I'm hungry' or something."

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