˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃ 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓷𝓪𝓹 ?: 𝓳𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓭𝓼᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚

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"im such an idiot.." the ravenette mumbled. Dream hit the back of his head causing him to laugh and rub the back of his head "heyy!"

Dream chuckled and rubbed his head "look you dont need a good grade in math, we have our sports to get us outta here. Plus you didn't want to work with anything anyways. If we just get to the proffessional score of football we'll be fine!"

Sapnap nodded smiling a little. "yeah.." his face got a bit red and he quickly looked away "but not if we sit here all day-" he chuckled. The blonde nodded and sighed hearing the proffessor clear his throat.

"Class? i just got info we'll be having a student join our class." Everyone shot up their heads staring at the door. Sapnap sighed and leaned back along with dream.

The door slowly slid open revealing a brown haired boy with round glasses. Dream slowly sat up straight looking at him, dazed.Sapnap noticed and flinched a bit surprised about the olders reaction.

"H-Hey there..!" The brunette said in his brittish accent causing the blonde to blush a bit. The shorter male walked in standing by the proffessor."My names uh..George!" 'george? what is he, 50?-' "george.." the blonde whispered smiling a little.'Shit'

George eventually made his way down the classroom and sat next to clay smiling a little. The blonde clearly tried keeping his eyes off of him but failed. 'pathetic'

"Oi clay?" Dream glanced at him nodding "We have a match in 5. Wanna leave?" The blonde thought about it but shook his head "Nahh just tell coach i dont feel well or something." he looked back at george and they seemed to have a quite fun conversation. This of course pissed the ravenette off more

"..fine" he huffed and got up gathering his books and going up to the proffessor telling him he had a match before leaving.

As lunch finally arrived sapnap was in a much better mood. They had both won the match and george wouldnt be with dream anymore.wrong.

"Yeah yeah so if 50/69 is 0.72, what is then 59/69?" Sapnap flinched at the way too familiar voice. He turned to the corner and saw Dream and George talking about..Math?

He walked over to them and pat dreams shoulder. He ignored him. "oi"Dream turned his head "can you wait?" Sapnap flinched and groaned going the other way, purposely bumping george's shoulder much harder than intended causing the brunette to stumble back.

Dream flinched "hey! Be nice damnit!" he quickly turned to george to make sure he was okay."simp" sapnap chuckled and walked over george's notebook leaving to the cafeteria. He threw his books in his locker and got to the cafeteria. grabbing his food he went over to the table with his friends such as Quackity, Karl bad, punz and skeppy.

he roughly put his tray on the table causing everyone to understand he was mad. He sat down and sighed opening the coke he had bought with his food."You uh- You okay there sap?" punz asked a bit cautiously. Sapnap groaned which caused everyone to yet again understand he was gonna rant."theres this new fucking nerd in my class and bimbo fell head over heels for him not even knowing anything about him." Quackity got confused "is that..A bad thing?"

"Yes!? I caught them talking about maths. MATHS and then when i tried telling bimbo about the fucking match scores he got mad at me.""Wait wait wait he wasnt at the match?" karl flinched "No he was too busy in math class with his love george." they all stared at him as he accidentally spilled coke all over his tray. "come fucking on dude!" He groaned and got up tossing his food away keeping the coke.

Just then george and dream entered the cafeteria. He quickly walked over to the table and isghed "here comes the bitch and the bimbo" Dream and george walked over and sat down."yo" Dream said bluntly "this is-" "george this george that they already know dickhead"

Dream huffed "no need to be rude" "rude? And i havent even started." george obviously shivered a little at that and dream growled "watch it""why should i? its not like hes your boyfriend. You just got to fucking meet him bimbo" dream flinched almost slamming his hand onto the table

"Your going on deep waters now nick." Sapnap chuckled and leaned forward giving his coke to karl "Try me. Bitch"

Dream grabbed sap by his colar lifting him up "I told you to watch it". Quackity quickly tried pushing dream off only getting ouched back in response and hitting cutting his hand on a knife on his tray causing sap to get even angrier. He lift his legs and kicked dream in the stomach making him let go.Quackity held his hand to stop the bleeding and got sapnaps attention. He quickly gave him some tissues before turning around to dream and getting hit right in the face. Punz quickly stood up "Oi! Be careful you moron!" He hurried over to sapnap but wasnt allowed to help him.

The ravenette stood up holding his chin, blood trinkling from his nose, "oh you fucked up now bimbo" Dream flinched stepping back a little knowing damn well that sapnap was a lot stronger than him George noticed and stood up "why dont we uh just-" "shut up. im not even gonna waste my breath on insulting you because oh theres so much."

And soone nough. Dream and sapnap started fighting each other. At one point sapnap was above dream punching him and at another it was the other way around. Of course after a while some teachers came over and helped the group separate the two.

Sapnap growled and yelled "your such a fucking coward!" before being pulled away to the nurse by the teachers and punz,quackity and karl.

Since the teachers caught them when dream was ontop of the ravenette. Sap didnt get into just as much trouble but still had detention for a week.

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