`☁`𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓷𝓪𝓹 𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓯𝓯 : 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮`☽`

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AYO ANOTHER REQUEST???? also if u want me to write requested just message me or like, comment. Plus i'd really apreciate if yall got any requests for a 11K SPECIAL???? SERIOUSLY THANK YALL SO MUCH- but anyhow, on with the fluff. Also ive never bern in a book dtore so enjoy while i mess around with it lol

Dream flipped the sign on the glass door of the book store to open and slowly checked the shelves to make sure all the books where in order. Just as he finished the bell signaled someone had entered. He peeked between the books and saw a boy who seemed to be his age. He didnt seem like the guy who read and more like a guy who smoked. He sighed thinking he'd have to shoo him off and got out of the shelves.

"Hey-" "Oh hello!" The boys eyes lit up in the sight of a worker and he made his way over. His voice was much nicer than the taller had expected but he shook it off thinking he was still just some grunge kid.

"Do you uh, possibly have "to kill a mockingbird" by Harper Lee? Ive been wanting to get it for a while but i havent seen it recently so i just thought id ask. Its okay if not!" The boy smiled softly which honestly caught the older of guard. He was a bit speechless for a while before shaking it off and nodding

"Yeah we uh, we got a few yesterday. If you want ill gladly go get you one in the back." The taller smiled finally getting the guys personality straight. The obviously shorter male smiled and nodded.

The two of them then headed back to the storage room to get the book. After a bit of searching, the shorter boy now known as 'nick' had three different books including to kill a mockingbird and two others.

They got to the counter and the blonde quickly snuck behind the counter and scanned the books

He read the price and smiled "that'll be 180.99". The younger boy nodded and grabbed his wallet. The waller was black and was labeled with the name sapnap. It sounded a bit familiar but dream decided not to care.

The younger one paid and smiled, putting the books in a bag. "Alright. I'll be off then!" He waved and pushed the door open.

The taller watched him leave until he could no longer see him at all.

The next morning, exactly 10 minutes after opening, the boy was back. He was this time wearing a T-Shirt and cargo Pants.

Dream smiled and popped his head out "Oh hello there!" He smiled earning one more of those heart warming smiles from the younger.

"Hey! I need to get some more books, is that okay?" Dream nodded happily and pretended to keep looking. He admired the boy who was searching through shelves picking quite classic books, paying for them and then leaving. And this loop went on for around a week. By now they had both each other's numbers and talked daily.

But one day. The ravenette did not arrive at the store. The blonde of course found this weird but tried not paying attention to it.

10 minutes later still no sign of him.

20 minutes, 30, 40, 1 hour.

"Where the hell is he..?" The blonde mumbled to himself. He grabbed his phone and texted him. He got no response but was left on read.

He looked at his phone for 5 minutes before clicking the call button and going back to the storage room.

The beep that someone picked up settled him a little.
"Nick!?" Dream exclaimed when he heard the boys panting. It was like he was hiding.

"There's someone in my house..I live..I live alone clay." Dream flinched staring at the wall in front of him.

"Send me your address." He said in a quite monotone voice, nick was heard thping on his end when the message popped up

"Please hurry..I think they'll find me soon." He whispered. Dream nodded rapidly forgetting he couldn't see him and hurried everyone out of the store saying he had to close early. And so he did.

He locked the doors and all that and hurried out the building, Nick still on the phone. He could hear slight thudding in the background and the younger holding his breath which only alarmed him more, he was running.

He didn't really run a lot unless he had to. Mainly because of the fact that he didnt want to. He eventually reaches the house seeing thw door kicked in. He hurried up the stairs and whispered to Nick

"Alright I'm coming in now." He got a response in text for saying 'okay. Please help'
The blonde looked around and found a metal stick that you poke the fire place with. He grabbed it as a weapon and snuck up stairs seeing a man in the hallway, his back against him.

He snuck up to him and raised his arms. He noticed his friend in front of him scared like crazy.

He hit the man over the head with the stick knocking him unconscious. He was panting heavily from all the running and heard the other gasp when he noticed who he was.

Suddenly he could feel the youngers warm arms wrap around him and his head nuzzled into his shoulder.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" The younger exclaimed his hands around the others neck in a hug.
Dream smiled blushing a little as he wrapped his arms around the youngers waist. Sapnap could feel his face heat up as he backed up a little so his face was in front of dreams. Slowly he leaned in a little which caught the blonde off guard.

He stayed still for a moment before actually leaning in. It was a quiet soft yet passionate kiss and the taller couldn't help but grip onto the younger's waist and pull him closer.

Eventually the two broke the kiss for air and the blondes emerald eyes couldn't help but track down to his lips

"Again.." the younger whispered, smiling a little, his face covered in red.


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