`☁`𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓷𝓪𝓹 𝓼𝓶𝓾𝓽: 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵𝓼 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴`☽

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The gates opened to the almost huge college, almost a hundered new students rushed in as they tried finding their lockers and home classrooms. Sapnap who was a senior in the school but much shorter was somehow mushed between the lockers and the younger students who were much taller than him.

One of the students that where going into sapnaps class somehow managed to pin him against the lockers, both to get out of the way and to protect himself.

The obviously taller blonde male opened his eyes and looked down at the ravenette who was both confused and a bit embarrassed.The ravenette looked up and the two stared into each others eyes before flinching "Nick?!" "Clay?!" the boys said in sync their faces lighting up as they wrapped their arms tightly around one another.

"Oh my god i cant believe its you!" Sapnap exclaimed as he hid his face on the others shoulder who had now lift him a bit above the ground. The hoard of students eventually calmed down and the blonde placed the other back down on the floor, A bright smile plastered on his face."I havent seen you in ages!" Dream smiled brightly his face a bit red.

The two had a conversation about nothing and everything as they found their new lockers. They eventually found their home classroom as well, which they shared.

They talked for so long that they ended up being late to the introduction hour in thei main classroom. Their mentor, Mr Watson was quite accepting over the fact and let them slip. They sat down in their seats along with the rest of the class and smiled.

"Alright so class, welcome to your main classroom. I am your mentor Philza Watson, i am 34 years old and i am married to Kristin watson who teaches english 101 he3re at the same college. Since this is the first day, how about we go around and introduce ourselves?" Everyone agreed and the boy at the front started

"Uh, Hi my name is floris gold and i go by Fundy" He smiled a little and the introductions kept going.

"Hey, my name is Elizabeth Mars and i am a cheerleader."(yes she is important to the story)

Sapnap and dream introduced themselves along with the rest. The class had 32 students, which seemed like a lot but overall they where quite calm.

They all got one paper each and got to decide what sports they would like to join, if they did, and what extra classes they would like to learn such as wherewolf understanding 101 and 102 and modern languages.

The papers where responded to and turned in summing it all to 32 different papers where as 12 would like sports and 5 wanted to join extra classes."interesting" Philza whispered to himself as he put the papers down.

"Alright. Thats all for now, on your way out make sure to grab schedules and your locker number and ill see you all later." the students slowly formed a hoard as they pushed out of the classroom making sure to grab papers on their way.

Sapnap and dream waited in the back not wanting to get pushed around. Philza was sitting at his desk making sure everyone got out safely. Just as sapnap and dream where about to leave, philza stopped them to make sure they crossed over the right boxes.

"Uhm Nicholas? Are you sure you want to attend the wherewolf class? Theres a lot of violence in that specific class you know." Sapnap sighed and showed his fangs "I think i'll be fine. I might not visually be very..wherewolf like but trust me. I'll be fine." Philza smiled and nodded.

The two took their locker notes and left looking for their lockers. Their lockers where 20 lockers apart but it seemed fine. They got their bags and jackets in their lockers and locked em up going to the cafeteria. It took almost 10 minutes to find.

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