122.Marriage preparations

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With Abhinavi...
As soon as they reached Australia they got shocked. They saw Max's dad there. Max saw them and gestured them to leave. So they went away and stayed in some hotel.

Back to Kolkata...

Jai : No Avu change the access fast. Go now. 

Avu (rolled her eyes) : Fine.

Jai : Dad can you call some doctor here?

SD : Yeah I can but why? 

Jai : Woh I want to insert one chip in Sid. Nothing else. It will take just half an hour. Please dad. I can't just let them go anywhere. I want to protect them. 

SM : As you wish beta.

Jai : Thank You. 

(SD called doctor. He came and Jai gave him one small chip. He made Sid's hand paralyzed for some minutes and inserted that chip. Avu did her work meanwhile)

Avu : Bhai it's done. 

Jai : Good. Now come here.

(She went and sat beside him)

SD : Jai I have called the lawyer. He will come in sometime. 

Jai : Okay dad. Thanks.

(After some minutes when Sid's hand got fine he came there.)

Reem : Is it paining?

Sid : A little.

Reem : It will be ok in some hours.

(Sid nodded)

SM (to Reem) : You also have it?

(Reem nodded.)

Jai : Now let's decide where these will stay. 

SM : They can stay here only na?

Jai : No I don't want you all to get into some problem. 

SD : But we will manage na.

Reem : No dad. Please no. 

SD : Ok fine.

Jai : Now you both say. Where do you want to live?

Sid/Avu : Mumbai

(They looked at each other and smiled)

Jai : Hmm. Sounds fine. And you both know it also. 

Sid : yes

Jai : Ok then. Give me five minutes I will arrange your home there.

Sidneet : We already have.

Others : Ha?

(They looked at each other nervously and told them about their secret place. Jai was glaring at Avu)

Jai (glaring Avu) : So you used to fool me?

Avu : Sorry na Bhai.

(Jai smiled and kissed her head)

Jai : Ok then. But will it be comfortable?

Avu : Yes. Bhai don't worry. 

Jai : Now next part. You both can't start your start up or any business there. As dad will find it. You both have to just live there. I will provide you everything.

Sidneet : I will do job.

(All looked at them)

Jai : What ? No. You won't. 

Avu : Oh come on bhai. 

(All forced Jai so he agreed.)

Jai : But if you find any difficulty then you will leave that job ha.

Sidneet : Yes bhai.

Jai : Ok. Now It's sorted. I will come to drop you there.

Avu : No bhai we will go there. Dad can find your location. You stay here and when jet will come back then you and Bhabhi can go back to Delhi. You can tell dad that Reem bhabhi wanted to meet her parents.

Jai : Hmm. Ok. Now you don't talk much. Give some rest to your mouth. Till lawyer will come stay quiet. 

(Avu pouted to which all laughed.)

SM : I will come with some snacks. 

Reem : I will also come mom. 

(Reem was about to get up but Jai stopped her)

Jai : Reem don't do any work.

(Reem sighed and sat there)

SD : Why? What happened? Is she injured?

(That's when it struck them that they didn't share the news)

Jai : Woh dad...She is pregnant.

Sid, SD and SM : WHAT?

(Reem nodded. All got happy. Sid went and hugged her)

Sid : Means I am gonna be Mamu?

Reem : Yes.

Sid : waaow. Congratulations.

(SD and SM got tears. They went to her and hugged her.)

SM and SD : Congratulations beta. 

Reem : Thank you.

SD : Don't do any work. 

Jai & Avu (rolling their eyes) : But she doesn't listen to us.

Reem : Stop you both. 

Jai : You shut up. Dad now you only now make her understand. You know what when we will be out of home she will work and only take rest in front of us. 

Reem : How did you know?

Jai : I asked Lucy.

Avu : That's what. What is the need to work? There are many servants. Then also she works.

Reem : Fine. I won't do any work now. 

Jai and Avu : Very good. 

(Others smiled at them. SM brought snacks)

After some time...

SM (to Avu) : Beta do you want to change?

(That's when Avu realized that she is sitting in pajamas in front of her in laws. She hides behind Jai. All chuckled) 

Jai : Now why are you hiding? From long time you are sitting like this. 

(She punched Jai on his back)

Avu : Bhai Bhabhi why did you kidnapped me in this dress?

Reem : It's ok Avu. Let's go. We will make you ready. Come.

(SM and Reem took her in room. Jai, SD and Sid were just sitting there talking with each other.)

Jai : Sid you also get ready. You have to leave also. 

(Sid nodded and went. Jai looked at SD and sighed)

Jai (looking down) : I am sorry dad. I hurted Reem a lot in starting. But I love her. I didn't know about anything. I am very sorry. I promise I will never make her cry.

(SD looked at him)





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