Keeping that in mind, he scoots closer to the blue haired boy. His hands find the buttons of Taehyung's white shirt and he starts unbuttoning them. Taehyung is too far away from him even though he is just so close. He doesn't realise what Jungkook is doing. At least that's what Jungkook thinks since Taehyung is so motionless.

"I'm really sorry, Taehyung. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I cannot think of any other way. Please forgive me. I really, really don't wanna seem like I am taking advantage of you." Jungkook mumbles as he unbuttons the last button.

Too much movements make Taehyung open his eyes. He just stares at Jungkook without moving at all. It's like he trusts him. He is too weak to do anything himself anyway.

"I'm sorry, Tae. But I'll have to undress you." Jungkook says, fidgeting with the button of Taehyung's jeans. "I won't look. I promise." Jungkook says earnestly. Taehyung somehow manages to nod.

Jungkook starts undoing Taehyung's jeans but since it's wet, it's actually a struggle to remove the piece of clothing from his legs. "Damn Tae, try lifting your legs a bit." The ravenette says but he himself lifts the blue haired boy's legs up because he knows that the other is too weak to do it himself.

After four or five minutes of struggle, he finally removes the jeans. The last piece of clothing left of Taehyung's body is his boxers.

I'm sorry, Tae. This is not how I imagined it to be. He says to himself, closing his eyes for a brief moment.

He then opens his eyes and looks into Taehyung's beautiful orbs. "Can I, Tae? I promise that if this wasn't absolutely necessary, I wouldn't have done this. I respect you a lot so don't think I'm trying to take advantage of you but I can't think of any other way. Please believe me. I'm not lying. I would never-"

"I-I bel-believe you. Y-You can d-do it." Taehyung says as his teeth chatter more when he tries to speak. Jungkook nods and hooks his hand in Taehyung's boxers to pull them away.

Soon Taehyung is naked but Jungkook doesn't look at him. He brings another pair of boxers and makes his roommate wear them.

He then looks at the shivering boy and picks him up in his arms. Taehyung is surprised but he is too tired and weak to protest. Jungkook walks over to his own bed and places the blue haired boy on it. He quickly covers the other with a blanket and says, "I'll be right back, okay?"

Taehyung nods again. He has no idea what he is doing under the blanket, almost naked but he does not care. All he wants is just some warmth.

Soon he sees Jungkook who sits on the bed next to him. The ravenette is looking at him already. Taehyung is surprised or more like shocked to see that Jungkook is shirtless. He averts his eyes, trying not to look at him.

Jungkook slips under the blanket. He wraps his arms around Taehyung and pulls him closer to himself. Human warmth will normalise Taehyung's temperature sooner than anything else is what he thinks.

Taehyung sighs in content when his body comes in contact with Jungkook's comparatively warm one. Jungkook looks at him and starts, "I know you don't want this Tae but-"

"I f-feel better. Th-Thank you so much, Kookie." Taehyung says and lets his body sink in Jungkook's, feeling his warmth enveloping him. Jungkook smiles as he notices how comfortable the blue haired boy looks in his arms.

"It will soon be okay." He whispers and he doesn't know what takes over him but he pecks Taehyung's forehead tenderly.

Taehyung smiles a little at the other's actions. He feels good and he probably would've squealed had he been feeling better. He doesn't know why but he feels like he would never want to get out of Jungkook's hold. This is so peaceful.

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