Chapter 53 - I'll Gladly Buy You A New Bacon Bowl.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah right. And I don't love tits and ass." Santana sarcastically says with an eye roll and she comes over to me and gives me a hug. She places her arms around my back and starts to pat my back harshly. "I'm going to torture you when you get back. I'm going to destroy all of your valuables." Santana whispered in my ear through gritted teeth and she gives my back on more harsh pat, making me grunt.

"Glad the one things that are valuable to me are my loved ones." I whisper in her ear with a smirk and I pull away from the hug.

"Curse you, Rebel Evans." Santana grumbled out and she folds her arms annoyed, making me laugh.

"Group hug!!" I yell out with a smile and they all smile at me.

"Awww!!" All four of them coed out and they come back over to me and give me a hug. I hug them back and smile. After a few minutes, we separate and I turn my body to the door. I put my left hand on the door and slide the door open.

"Bye guys!!" I say as I clench my duffel bag on my shoulder and I walk out of the apartment. I begin to walk down the hall until I hear my name being called.

"Bye Rebel!! Be safe!!" Rachel calls out to me as I stop in my tracks and turn around to face them.

"Have fun!!" Kurt yells out as he put his hands around his mouth to echo us voice.

"Bring me back some sushi from the Yale cafeteria. I heard they have the best sushi." Sam yells to me as he sticks his head out the door and I nod my head with a smile.

"Don't get her pregnant!!" Santana calls out as she sticks her head out the door and I roll my eyes.

"I'll try my hardest not to." I say sarcastically and Santana gives me a thumbs up, making me sarcastically give her a thumbs up back.

"Bye Rebel!! See you in a week!!" They all shout at the same time as I smile and wave at them.

"Bye guys!! See you in a week!!" I state with a smile and they wave back at me. All four of them stick their heads back in the apartment and I hear the door slide close. I take a deep breath in and sigh as I continue to walk down the hall and go towards the elevator with my duffel bag on my shoulders. I smile to myself as I get to thinking. I'm going to see my pretty girl again.
"Hey, do you know where room 532 is?" I asked some random guy as he was passing me in the hallways of Yale. I was in the Lanman-Wright hall, the hall where Quinn's dorm room is. I got lost on my way here and I ended up going to all the other halls before I got to this one. But I'm finally here.

My flight was okay. It was too long though. It was quiet and there wasn't anything babies crying. There also wasn't an annoyance passenger in front of me who reclines their seat all the way back so I literally have no leg room. I hate people like that. They are so selfish.

One time, about 4 months ago, me and Quinn talked on the phone and she told me her dorm room is on the 5th floor and the number is 532. I never forgot the number. I didn't even have to write it down on a paper, I just remembered it for some reason. But somehow, I forgot which hall she was in. But I found it again.

I was on the 5th floor and I was trying to find 532 but I couldn't. I felt like I was walking in circles.

"Yeah, just keep walking down this hallway. The dorm numbers are on the doors. Look at the dorms on the right side because that's where all the even number dorms are." He tells me as he points down to the hallway in front of me.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now