Facing The Giants : Esther

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Esther's background :
Queen Vashti rebells against Xerxes
Xerxes banishes her from his presence and takes her crown
He sends people out to find a new queen
Esther's parents died and was raised by her cousin, Mordecai
The people who were searchimg for a queen saw her
She gained Xerxes' favour and become queen

Giant #1: An uncertain future (2:8)
Requests to join King's harem (a grp of women gathered for the King's sexual pleasure)
     - she was afraid

Answer to an uncertain future:
1. Wisdom and Trust
2. Evaluate opportunity in light of knowledge of self and God's leading

Giant #2: Keeping my  secret
"Don't tell anyone you are a jew " 2:19-20

Answer to keeping my secret:
1. Transparency
2. Face the challenge of identity, who you are
3. Remember your identity is in Christ, not what others think of you

Giant #3: Am I responsible for Others?
To what extent  am I responsible for others
     - 4:12-14 / She had to risk her life for the jews.
     - Responsible to (God, authority, e.t.c.) , Responsible for (people under my care/supervision)

Answer to responsibility question?
-I am responsible for:
     How I treat myself
     How I treat others
-I am not responsible for:
     How others treat me
     How others treat others
     How others treat themselves

Giant #4: Doing the right thing
Entering the presence of the king, with possibility of death, 4:15-5:2
     - Can't control outcome
     - Overwhelming fear
     - Requires great courage
Courage : not the absence of fear, But doing what is right in spite of our fears

What to do about my giants:
1. Trust God
     - God knows and cares about your situation
     - pray for his guidance and assistance
2. Be wise
     - Honestly identify our giants and compare it with the scripture
3. Be strong and courageous

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