13 April Prayer

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Dear God,

Thank you for helping us through this week, passing through all our trouble times. We thank you for all you've done and given for us, O lord. I also pray that as we enter the new week, you will rejuvinate us, making us full of the joy of the Lord, that as we head back to work, school or whatsoever tomorrow, you willnot let the stress from others get to us, but instead spread the joy, for it is you who has made the day. We will rejoice in it, looking forward to what is to come. yesterday is the history, tomorrow is A mystery, today is the present. It is the gift you have given to us, so we will live all our days for you. I pray that no matter what stands in the way between us and God, that we will still trust in him and stand tall in our faith.

In Jesus' name we pray, amen

Hai guyyyssss:) thank you for your support, but I'm not doing this for me, but for those out there who need the salvation. remember yesterday? Share the good news of his love? If it is A yes, good. If no, .... -.- Go back and read it again. It is very important that you know that. Anyways, please share this with your friend's who still need the love of God. Sharing is caring:) <3

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