God's Greatness In You

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John 14:12
God's greatness is about experiencing his power and breakthroughs in our lives

How can we exerience God's greatness?

1. Move out of your bubble zone
Gen 12:1-3
His greater plans are far beyond our comfort zone
Change in how you think, see,feel and understand
Willing to act on God's instructions
Gen 4:12 so Abraham went as the Lord had told him
James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accomplished by action it is dead

Common responses when God asks you to surrender, submit.
Stubborness to change
Ignire the prompting of God's voice
Cant be bothered attitude

Faith is about desiring God's change in our lives.
Pain is necessary for growth

2. Build the altar of your heart
Gen 12:7
It was a reminder of God's promises and of our commitment.
It was also a prayer and sacrifice of worship unto God.
My life belongs to you.


Jesus is the Lamb of God who was sacrificed in our place for our sins

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