A Family of Believers

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Sorry if it is confusing Pastor kah fai was super fast. and just a tip, keep your bible beside you. Couldn't copy everything. it was super rushed:P

Galations 5: fruits of the spirit to overcome sinful natures of flesh.

A family of believers

Galations 6:10
Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those whk belong to the family of believers.


-We should also do this to everyone else (pre believers)

-Get involved with the Church, prayer, service and saving

John 1:12-13
Yet to all who did not recieve him...

We are a family if believers because we share a common identity as children of God

(Gal6:1,  Pro27:5-6, Eph4:14-16, Gal 5:13, Gal 6:1)
Our love for one another is one that should challenge each other to grow in Christ.

     - Recognise that we are all in that place of transformation to be more and more like Christ

     - But as we do so, we challenge another gently

Tell another if their weakness in kindness, so that they may correct it so that they may not be like that in front of others.

Believe for a better person of your friend's.

How to tell?

- Pray about it and speak God's word into their life

- Be nice and do it privately

- But be direct - Don't beat around the bush

- Stand by them

- Challenge then to approach their leader of pastor (Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, 24:6)

- Remind the person that you love them

Carry each other's burden

Gal 6:2-9

Support one another humbly and earnestly in carecells

- Carry their burdens to the Lord in prayer

- Be there to listen to them

     - But stay strong

     - Don't carry their emotional baggage

- Continue to encourage them to take active steps

     - Establish good personal disciplines

     - Speak to the right people that can help.

To go fast, go alone. To go far, go in a team.

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