My mission vision (II)

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While waiting for the train to arrive, a gracious line formed behind the yellow lines. I noticed a person a few queues away wearing the same shirt as me. There's a fellow church member. He noticed me too, and gave me a smile. I smiled, walking over.

"Hi! You go to Trinity too?"

"Yeah. A great church!"

"I agree. "

"You going to vision rally tonight?"

"Uhm... maybe not. I kinda have something on. I mean, work is more import- DUH! Obviously I'm going. If I ever missed it, I would regret it so bad."

"Heh... stupid question. I'm sorry. Anyways, I'm Boaz. You are?"


"The merm-"

"With an extra LE behind."

"Ahhhh. I see."

After the constant flow of people overspilled out of the train, heading towards their own destination, Boaz and me walked in, luckily getting the very last standing place in the carriage. Just as the door was about t9 close, I see a handicappes young girl speeding towards me in her wheelchair. Knowing very well that she jad no space, I pulled Boaz out, jogging to her and slowly pushing her towards the door. I hoped the train guy saw us and kept the door open, though. I pushed jer into an empty space just enough to fit her wheelchair. A few others had also sacrificed their ride for this young girl. Before stepping back, she mumbled a soft thank you, offering a smile. I smiled back, managing o get two words across the closing doors God bless! I watched as the train sped off, smiling to myself for having the opportunity to bless someone.

I looked down at my watch. What?! It's 7.30?! I quickly explained to Boaz before dashing off on foot towards Mc Donalds.

Covered in perspiration, I run into the air conditioned haven, enjoying the contrasting coolness to the weather outside. Dear Lord, I pray that you will  make today a cooling day, for uncle to work in ease. Amen. I said a small prayer in my heart for the uncle before finding Jared Tan, my soon to be boss.

"Are you the new girl?" a ticked off voice said behind me. I spun on my heels to face a middle aged man. Maybe mid thirties.

"Uhm... yeah. I'm supposed to start work today." I unconvincingly said. His tone had thrown me off. Is this who my boss is going to be? The controlling, critical and stringent boss? I hope not...

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