Love Again Today

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I just hate it when people are so arrogant, showing off everything they have. I hate it when they rub it in my face when they have something I want. I hate it when people are just all out to prove me wrong. I hate all those people who never consider giving their seat to the old lady in front of them. I hate it when people cut queue without a second thought. I hate all stereotypical people who think that all Christians are so defensive and stupid. I just hate these people from the inside out.

But what does Jesus say?

He says this: I forgive those who have persecuted me. I forgive those who have sinned against me. I felt for those who hung beside me on the cross. I Love those who bring me harm. I hold home in them. Because they are God's creation. As evil as they are, as defiant as they are, as stubborn as they are, I will still Love them.

Many people think our God is a God of fear. But many forget about his loving Part. Why not share his live for all to see that our God loves all. Share the care. Pass the kind words around. Give whatever you can give to help others. Love again today.

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