Going To Next Year

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Luke 1

Look at a situation not as a problem, But as a preperation process for something much bigger.

Mary trusted God as her master. She knew her life was to save Israel Luke 1 vs 54

Luke 1:6 Zacheriah had failed so many times, yet he continue serving. Through the ordinary, he served God, waiting to experience the extraordinary.

The process is just as Important as the destination

Your life is not just your own. You play a part in a bigger picture!

Dear Lord,

even as we slowly come to a close this year, I want to thank you for everything. I know that it may not have been an easy journey of 2014, But we want to thank you. For exams finished, for situations overcome, that we are even breathing. Though this year may seem like a failure to us, we know that it is only a process, and that this is all Part for us to be a success in the Future. I thank you even though we might not have done all we wanted to do. For some of us out here, we feel that we haven't done enough for you, that we are a failure. But Lord, just help us realize how many we have impacted with all that we have done. I pray that as christmas draws near, we will celebrate a time of your birth. I pray that we will not just give gifts, But we will give the spirit of Joy, happiness and peace. I pray that we will be able to bless those around us.

In Jesus' almighty name, we pray,

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