The awakening

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today's service was worship experience, so we didn't have a sermon, so here. Not very detailed, but you can go further in and do your own research in the bible.

Have you been spiritually sleeping? Has you spirit been tired of God's presence? If it was a Yes, that is going to change. Sometimes, our body is awake, and we are physically there, but we are not spiritually there. Sometimes, we need close encounters with God to revive our faith. For those who are born into Christian families, you may just be going to church just because you 'have to' some even go to church for socialising. However, a church was started for us to encounter God. Yes, we as a church are supposed to be a family of Christ, and should be closely knitted, but we must never forget what church was originally for. It is for Us to come face to face with God.It is all about God, but sometimes we are so asleep in our spirit that we do not realise it. Sometimes, we go to church NOT because of God. And that is what I most detest. It is the most annoying thing: people going to God's house not for God, but for other materialistic things. I believe that as we enter God's house, we should respect his presence and focus on him. Maybe it is because you doubt God. But if you go to God and ask for something, thinking about the chances that you will not get it, bid farewell to God's answer to you. God will only give to those who believe.

Maybe to get out of this spiritual death in you can be revived through an encounter with God. Some of you may be thinking 'But how on earth am I going to have an encounter?' Well, an encounter also needs your trust. For an encounter, you need to be thubkjng about God, and God alone. No other worldly things should be on your mind. Yes, it may be hard, but just pray. Pray for god to help you clear your mind and think about him alone. Think about his wonders. You need to cry out in desperation for him. The condition of your heart must also be right. You need to know and recognise that you are a sinner, and the only way to be forgiven is through Jesus Christ. You must know that no man is free from sin. Everyone has sinned before. That is a fact. But all our sins can be forgiven. Jesus is the cure for sin.

An encounter may come in different ways. Either through a vision, dream, people you don't know coming up to you and telling you about your life, many other ways. The most common thing for me, is when different people from different places who are not related in any way keep saying the same thing to you. Recently, my school had chapel and it was about how CHRIST IS MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR ME. In church today, my pastor said the exact same words. God may be trying to tell me something I need to know. Considering that I'm getting back my awful exam marks these few days... I've been really down, but I keep hearing this phrase, Christ is more than enough for you. I mean, It is freaky. like everybody says the exact same thing to you. Or maybe you keep seeing a verse. In the first few chapters, I think I talked about how God speaks to us through many different media, like the bible and many other things. If you forgot, go back and read it. It is really important.

Anyways, back to encounter, The most amazing thing I saw was during my last year Church camp. People were being anointed by our leaders and pastors, and people just kept falling like dominos. They just flopped onto the ground and passed out, but it was the holy spirit moving amongst us. That night, many people cried, many people changed, many people encountered God for the first time. My room mate was actually one of them. She was really touched by God's presence and was really angry at herself for being what she was.

Maybe you need that encounter to revive your oassionfor god. Maybe you need that jolt to wake you up from your stupour. Maybe you need that one encounter to know that he exists. Are you willing to cry out to God for his presence to overcome you? Are yoy willing to offer your whole body and mind to God for him to renew today? I pray that he will meet you in the most amazing way you can ever think of. God is always there for you, waiting with arms stretched out. He is just waiting for you to make a move. Will you take that step of faith?

God is realTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon