All For Jesus

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Luke 9:57-58
A heart all for Jesus means braving challenges. At that time, a teacher of the law was someone highly regarded But they taught the law with out the heart of Jesus. But what Jesus wanted to tell them, was that to be a Disciple, the scribes needed to sacrifice their comfort. They needed to sacrifice their status. Things were going to change. People would despise them for what they believe in. People would hate them for their faith. Following Jesus costs us our comfort and status. Following Jesus, we need to brave through our challenges. When We stand for what is right, our status will change.

John 15:22

We need to know God and Trust him wholly. Jesus Never promised a bed of roses. He calls us to pack up the cross and walk with him.

A heart all for Jesus means putting Jesus first. Luke9:59-60 This passage describes a man wanting to care for his old and aged father before following Jesus. Even in our everyday lives, we do this daily. We say that we need to complete our things before following Jesus. We put our Other priority before Jesus. We take Jesus' mercy for granted. We need to learn to put his will before ours. Your kingdom come, your will be done. We need to set God first. We need to say that we Love him too much to chose anything else over him. The kingdom is urgent and we cannot say later. Every second, another life is lost to the darkness. We need to have a heart for Jesus and put him first. We need to serve God with our talents, time and resources. We need to use it to build his Kingdom.

A heart that is all for Jesus means that we have an unwavering focus. Luke9:61-62 This man Shows that he was preoccupied. This man's Letting people influence his decision to follow Jesus. Sometimes We allow opinions to say our decision. We need to recognise that it is a priviledge to serve God!!! We need to see that our actions come from our hearts. Our act of service should be a reflection of our Love and passion for Jesus. We need to have the end point as our focus, and not be distracted by what was coming onto us. We need to run with everything we have and Keep our focus on Jesus and Jesus alone. Our main focus Needs To be to finish this race of faith! Our resources that comes from the throne of heaven gives us what ever we need to run this race

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