Audacious Ferver

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Hey guys! Saturday Sermon here!

Passionate honour

Honour and serving one another with the love of Christ

1 Kings 17:7-16

Audacious Ferver is the boldness and zeal to believe and ask largely for the impossible.

Elijah had the boldness to ask the woman for bread in which she only had a small serving left.

He had the Audacious Ferver to speak in Faith.

We will live with Audacious Ferver when :

1. We respond with Faith and not fear in our impossibility.

Elijah could have chosen to say something else. But he made the choice to

Impossible situation

ELIJAH: No food, had to depend on a widow to feed him, was very poor and live in Jezebel's hometown.

WIDOW: No food for her and the son.


ELIJAH: Faith (vs 13)

WIDOW: Fear (vs 12)

Respond in Faith in the impossible.

2. We speak with Faith into our impossibility.

Elijah spoke with Faith into the impossible. He declared into his and the widow's impossible situation (vs 14)

The tongue has the power of life and death. The widow chose to speak death into her life and her son's life. But Elijah spoke life into his and their situation. He saw the hand full of flour as another opportunity for Audacious Ferver.

He knew God would provide for them just as God provided him with water and food for the past few years.

3. We are in a relationship with our God of all possibilities.

Matthew 22:37 "Love the lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

We say No more to the impossibility, responding in Faith and speaking life into it, because we know that our God can and that our God will.

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