Mary's Faith

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Luke 1

Mary was at a young age. She was entrusted to birth the saviour. She was highly favored because of her intimacy with God. She knew him so well she was entrusted with the secret of Jesus Christ.

She was so much different from Zacheriah. She wasn't shocked when approached by an angel. She was greatly troubled.

1) Know how to respond to God's authority vs 30

She recieved it and believed it.
The angel's answer to her was as good as No answer. Yet, she believed. Vs 38 "'I am the Lord's servant. ' Mary answer,' May it be to me as you have Said.' Then the angel left her."

She discovered her place as God's servant. His will was her will.

She had so much Faith and belief in God.

2) Take ownership of God's purpose

God is interested in us to transform us into someone chasing after God's purposes.

She was given No instructions, But she took ownership of the situation.

Do not just wait for him to approach you. Chase after his purpose.

Take ownership of our own growth with God.

3) worship him for who he is, not what he does.

She recognised that she existed for the purpose of Israel.
Sweet surrender.

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