Journey : Me

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Im tired of running. Tired of running from myself. My heart can only handle so much. It has its own limits. All the emotions I've kept pent up inside me are dying to come out some way. But I Can't let anyone know. I can't let them know. They already think of me as a lost case. If I let them know, they'll treat me even more differently. I want to be normal. I am normal. I am. Just not on the inside. I am just like any Other teen. But my insides are in an emotional tangle I cannot undo. The mess I'm in is eating away at my heart. I can't let them know. I cannot. I will not. Only I can know. The cool metal rested in my Hands. I had thought of it a while back - Letting my emotions out on me. But I Never tried. It was new. The blade felt so refreshing. Silent tears streamed down my face. People wouldn't know. They wouldn't even notice I dissappeared. I thought this would set me free of my restraints, But otherwise. Every inch the blade drew nearer, the heavier I felt. The closer it went, the tighter my muscles tensed. People Said that when you were close to dying, you would see your life flash by your eyes. And it did. All the months, years of trying to fix myself. It was an Impossible puzzle. All the people in my life I knew could not even be considered friends. My entire life lacked the cliche picnic at the Park, it lacked the laughing, it lacked the Joy everyone else had. I hated God. He helped everyone But me. He left me to fend for myself. He left me alone. He didn't care. He didn't Love me. He did Love people. Just not a person like me. He couldn't love me. He would NEVER Love me.

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