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"Settle down, everyone!" Mr Osas says this as he walks into Ss2A. Most members begin murmuring and making disapproving remarks. Of course, not in his hearing.

"What is wrong with this man? We do not have chemistry today!" Science mutters, just to the hearing of April who was concentrating on bringing out her notebook.

"I know we do not have class today, so stop moping at me like idiots." Mr Osas's loud voice is heard. "I conducted a test, and you all know my pattern, if you do not score at least half of the mark. You already know the rest; there is no need to go into detail!" Mr. Osas says. Making some students murmur.

"Will you just shut up?" Mr. Osas barked. Everyone immediately goes silent. You could even hear the sound of a pin being dropped. It was not a new thing. Mr Osas was one of the most feared teachers at Hallel College.

"So, before distributing your scripts, I will mention the names of those who scored higher than five. I am curious as to what some of you are still doing in school. I would recommend that you go home and sit down; stop wasting your parents' money if you are not here to learn. I understand that the majority of you here are the children of ministers, commissioners, and influential men. It doesn't mean you should be daft. Indeed, your parents are financially secure. But money without brains is a mistake." Mr Osas claims.

"Tah! Who told you that one?" Somebody says. April could not tell who it was, but she recognized it from the back row. They were fortunate that Mr. Osas did not hear that.

"Everyone wants to join the science class; however, science is not superior to the arts. They are all equal. I am not sure why you all do not understand that small detail. If you know your brain can not handle science. It is not too late to join the Art class." Mr. Osas says while checking the scripts.

"What is he still saying?" Light groans. Making April smile. That was actually the first time he spoke since they arrived at class.

Mr Osas clears his throat, intending to silence any noise. Every student in the class stared ahead.

"Light Alikor, scored 9½. April Kuti also scored 9½." He looks up before returning his attention to the list. "Flourish Alikor scored 9, Wendy Opurum scored 8," Immediately he says this, some members of the class begins to murmur, he simply ignores them and continues. Nimi Brown scored 7, Darlintina Okedi scored 6. These are the highest scores. The majority of you scored five; those who scored less than five, do not make the mistake of not coming to my office." Mr Osas says, taking a good look at the members of the class, before turning to Flourish Alikor's direction and calling her out, handing her the papers, and asking her to distribute them. Within a few minutes, he is out of class.

Flourish begins distributing the papers to various members of the class, who simply murmur as they receive them.

"Shey, busybody. Wendy was the one who solved it on the board; why did not she get the highest score." Without been told who it was, everyone was used to Tari's voice, they were just shocked Wendy didn't respond.

"See who is talking, how many did you score?" Darlintina fires.

"Busy body, he doesn't know he is a
boy, " Boma says.

"Even if nobody talks," Tari says mockingly. "Notice me, and we will not notice you!" He speaks mockingly.

"No one will hear anything because you tried and scored six today. Time not taken you copied from Wendy!" Efe remarks. Making some of the classmates laugh.

"See, the fact that you are daft does not make me daft. I don't even know what you are doing in science class!" Darlintina says.

"It is not funny. No one laughed." Gideon chipped in. causing a few students to giggle.

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