Chapter 51 - Be With The Person You Are In Love With.

Start from the beginning

I've tried to move on from Quinn. Really, I did. But I just can't. I'm not like regular people who fall in love. When I fall in love, I don't fall out of love easily. If I'm in love with you, you would have to do something so horrible, so vial and so evil to me to make me fall out of love with you. That's just how I work. Plus, I've been trying to control my emotional connection to Quinn but it's getting out of hand now. I can't go to sleep without being connected to her in some way. I sleep with a frickin picture of her on my chest. Kelly hasn't slept over at the apartment so luckily she doesn't know.

I really need to tell Kelly about what I said. I can't hide this from her. If I keep hiding this from her, it's gonna end up hurting her. And I don't want to hurt her.

As I am getting lost in my thoughts, my phone starts buzzing. I pull it out of my pocket and see it's from Kelly. Oh gosh, I declined all your calls throughout these last two days. I've been so scared to even talk to her. I've been ignoring her and it's not cool. I should answer the phone. I take a deep breathe in and press the answer button. I put the phone to my ear and sigh.

"Hi Rebel." Kelly says into the phone and she sounded a bit off.

"Hey Kells." I say with nervousness in my voice and I walk out of the kitchen and go to the living room. I sit back down on the same couch I was on and I sit back in the same spot I was in before. I let out a happy sigh of relief as I feel that my spot is still warm. "What's up?" I ask as I lean back on the couch and I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Nothing much. I was wondering, can you meet me at Starbucks tomorrow?" Kelly asks with curiosity in her voice and I place my arm on the top of the couch.

"Sure, that's sounds nice." I say as I plaster a confident smile on my face, even though she can't see me.

"I need to talk to you about something." Kelly adds on and my smile drops and I start to tense up.

"Uh, okay. About what?" I asked her as the nervousness comes back into my voice. What does she want to talk about? Does she know? God, I don't pray a lot, so please make this prayer come true. I pray to you god, that she doesn't know. I want to tell her myself.

"Um, it's better if we talk about it tomorrow. Over some coffee, or in your case, maybe hot chocolate." Kelly jokes a little and I let out a small laugh and nod. I'm still scared shitless.

"Okay, cool, that sounds cool." I say and my voice gets squeaky as I speak.

"Are you okay Rebel? Your voice sounds squeaky?" Kelly asked me with concern in her voice and my eyes go wide. I begin to think of a quick lie I could tell Kelly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My voice just sometimes turns into Jerry Mouses voice. It's a.... medical condition I have." I lie horribly and I slap my forehead at the stupid lie I just told. Seriously Rebel? It's a medical condition?

"Oh okay, never heard of that condition, but okay." Kelly said with some shock and confusion in her voice and I slap myself again. I'm so dumb. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." Kelly tells me and I silently thank god that she didn't ask what that condition is. Because I don't even know.

"See you tomorrow Kells. Bye." I reply with a small smile on my face and I take my phone away from my ear. I press the red end call button and sigh as I toss my phone to the side. I put my hands over my face and shake my head. I'm gonna have to tell Kelly about what I said tomorrow and I'm getting nervous just thinking about telling her.
Quinn's POV:

It's been two days since Rebel confessed her feelings for me and it's all I could think about. The pain in her eyes when she was telling me is still stuck in my head. She looked so broken and tired and she looked like all she wanted to do was to just be with me again. But I'm so conflicted in my feelings. For the last two days, I've been ignoring Biff. He's tried calling me and texting me, but I just decline his calls and I don't read his texts. He's even come over to my dorm room but I told Chloe to tell him that I'm not here. I'm not ready to see him. I'm just so confused about my feelings right now.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now