Chapter 49 - Letter

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Declan Serano

I waited for Danielle in the garden and I looked up to the sky. I was so nervous. I turned to see Danielle sitting on the end of the bench.

"What? What do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"You're not single! You're not single, okay?" I stated and she raised her eyebrows.

"Is it that hard to ask?" She asked and I looked at her gulping nervously.

"I- I don't know.. I do- I don't know how to express it. You know I'm not a word-driven guy." I said completely frustrated.

"Congratulations! You're still single." She said as she clapped her hands. She got up from the bench.


"I'm busy.. I'm going to town with your mother and maybe find a cute guy on the street." She said sarcastically. She walked back into the mansion and I sighed.

Why is it so hard for me to ask her? I really should practice in front of the mirror or print a script.

Danielle Leone

After a long day of shopping and talking, we went back to the mansion. I went straight to my room and threw myself to the bed. It felt so nice hur I decided to take w bath first.

I filled the bathtub with hot water and put a bamb bomb in it. I took my clothes off and got into the bathtub. I closed my eyes and started to get so relax.

"Danielle, are you in there?" I heard Declan called. I didn't have any other choice but to get out of the bathtub. I wore a robe and walked out from the bathroom.

"Wha-" I opened the door and he was holding a big bouquet of roses. He gave it to me without saying anything and then left.

"Declan! What-" He ran away. I closed the door and put the flowers on the bed. I saw a small white box on the center of it. I grabbed it and opened it.

"What is this?" There's a letter and a black recorder. I sat on the bed and opened the letter first. He wrote a hand-written letter to me.

Hey it's me.. Declan.
I just want to say sorry that I'm so bad at expressing my feeling. This is my first time ever confessing or even saying all this words to a woman but you deserve it.

Please don't throw up when you read this, bare with me okay?

When I first met you, I never thought you would someone important in my life. At first, I thought you're just someone who has the same dark past as me and nothing more.

Slowly, as I get to know you.. you're starting to get on my nerves. Not in a bad way but in a good way. I started to think about you at night, replaying your smile again and again but I was slowly trying to deny it. I know I was not capable of love or even trying to be with someone.

We were two people with broken heart because of our past. It was impossible for me to make you happy or to give you whag you deserve.

I was hoping for my feelings to go away but it started to get so much worse. I want you and I really need you in my life. I want to protect you and I want to make you mine.

Then life got rough, I had to send you to America. If you think that I forget you after sending you away, you are wrong. I couldn't stop thinking about you to the point that I hate my friends for falling in love because I somehow knew that we couldn't be together.

Then you came back to me, it was an instant blow. All the walls that I've built for years crumble right away.

I thought it was enough showing you my feelings through actions because how bad I am expressing it with words. Now that you mentioned it, you deserve so much more.

Danielle Leone, I love you. You are my world, you are everything to me. Nothing in this world can beat that.

When you almost died, I could see my whole world falling apart in front of my eyes. I wish you could see how I reacted, it was the most painful moment in my life.

I'm sorry that you waited for this long for me to say I love you. I will learn about it more in the future but please don't break up with me.

I know someone like you deserve better but please don't leave me. I will try harder and try to be a better person.

One of the reason that I don't want to ask you to be my girlfriend because I'm so scared that it would be something temporary. I don't like it. I want us to be forever and I wish you could wait for that, wait for me to ask you that question.

We're going for a long run, Danielle. We are going for a long run, you and I are stuck for life.

Once again, I love you so much. I've been practicing it and maybe you could open the recorder and maybe judge me if I'm doing it wrong or right.


I put down the letter to the side and grabbed the black recorder. I pressed play and prepared myself to hear it.

"Danielle Leone, I love you so much." I heard him saying through the recorder.

"Am I doing it right? I've been practicing by looking at the mirror. God! My heart is racing!" I chuckled when I heard he said that. I put the recorder down and looked at the flowers and the letters.

I grabbed my phone and called Declan.


"The recorder is not working." I said and there's a long silence from him.

"It's not working?" He asked.

"Yeah, I tried to press it again and again.. what did you say in the recorder?" I tried so hard not to laugh because it seems like he's panicking.

"I'm going to your room." He said and I walked to the door. Opening it and walked back to the bed. Declan walked in and closed the door.

"It's not working." I said to Declan and he walked over to me. As soon as he stood in front of me, I threw the recorder to the bed and looked straight into his eyes.

"I want you to say it in front of me." I said and he looked panic.

"Didn't you say you practive in front of the mirror already?" I added and he nodded.

"Danielle." He said and I nodded.

"Danielle, I love you." He said it slowly and I wanted to laugh at his reaction but I bit my tongue preventing me to do so.

"I love you too, Declan." I smiled and he looked like a statue.

"I think you should practice more.." I said as I turned his body around.

"I'm going to continue my bath." I added and he turned his body around. He crashed his lips to mine and he demanded to take a bath with me.

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