Chapter 13 - The History of ILLICIT

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Phoenix Sterling

I was shocked to see Lana coming into the headquarter crying. She immediately told me everything about what happened with her and Danielle.

Danielle is really something.

Lana is so scared of her that she's shaking all day long. I only could comfort her and make sure that everything will be okay.

Dean indeed stopped all of us from leaving but in the end he let us go.. some of us but some of us got kicked out.

I know Parker, we got to know each other for a few months before he passed away in Dean's arms. Since they Dean changed, he became more cold, ruthless and slowly a little bit secretive.

And the fact that she asked us to protect Dean is really weird.

Why would she asked us to protect Dean when.. Dean is suppose to be a part of them?

Aria and Leah are currently with Lana to calm her down. I called the boys for a meeting. I told them everything and they all have no clue about this situation.

It's so confusing yet.. make sense.

Dean Alessandro

I got out from my office to go home and I found Chance lean to the wall right in front of my door.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he gestured me to get into the office because he wanted to talk. I walked in and he followed me inside.

"Danielle, she threatened Lana." Chance said and I turned to him completely not surprised.

"You know?" He looked at me disbelief.

"I have a lot of people watching her, Chance. I know.." I said and Chance scoffed disbelief.

"She.. is going to kill you." Chance said and I sat down on my seat calmly.

"I know."

"And why are you.. agreeing to it?!" He bursted angrily and I chuckled.

"After you all left, I have nothing to lose. I know she might kill me, she even can kill me in my sleep. I don't mind about it at all."

"Dean, what the fuck?! Should you stop her from doing all of this?"

"Then you should have not left ILLICIT!" I bursted back, I was as angry as him. We both looked at each other like we're going to kill each other.

"Is it because you love her?" Chance asked in a normal tone.

"Listen to me, I'm only going to say it once. When you were assigned to be an ILLICIT member, you have a whole access of everything. Literally everything, you even get no jail time for killing people. You know how much ILLICIT has powers right?"

"ILLICIT is more than just you, me and the three other boys. It's a brand. ILLICIT is a brand with power and system that technically rule Europe with our technologies."

"Once you're in, you're a part of the brand. It means you have the control for everything but once you're out it's empty. The system needs someone to keep up with what's going on. That's why everytime you get into the headquarters, get into the lab, get into your office.. you need to input somekind of DNA because it's the power to the system."

"Parker designed it so no one other than us can get in and access information, weapons and tdchnologies. Now, since you're out.. the system lagging it's source. It's slowly dying!"

"Danielle is continuing Parker's nuclear power soon and you know sooner or later. She will gain access to everything."

"We should stop her then! Why are you just standing here like nothing happen?" Chance bursted angrily and I shook my head.

"ILLICIT is already falling when you left, Chance. I'm dying inside, I don't any other hope anymore."

Danielle Leone


For me, ILLICIT is a family.
Parker, me, Dean, Lycan, Matteo, Luka and Dante.

There's a lot of layers to ILLICIT, the reason why we're so obsessed with ruling Europe. One of them is for revenge.

The seven of us wanted revenge on the head of Europol 20 years ago. We all have similar backgrounds and we're hurt but Europol and the system.

Dean, Lycan and Luka lost their families.
I lost my mother.
Dante lost his father.
As for Parker, he lost everything. He lost himself and his families.

We gathered together dreaming to build ILLICIT and rule Europe something that happened 20 years ago won't happen again.

We're all so close, we're all care for each other and can't wait to fulfill our dreams together as a team.

Dean Alessandro

When I got home, I can't wait to sleep. I'm so tired today and really need a long rest. I walked into my room and Danielle was already sitting on the bed with a sexy lingerie.

"Hi, cutie."

"Danielle, I'm so tired. Let's go it next time." I said as I dropped my back and walked straight to the bathroom. I turned on the cold shower and I could feel her hugging me from the back.

"Did something happen at work?"

"I'm just tired, that's all." I said and she stood in front of me. She crashed her lips to mine and kissed me so hard that I forgot that my body is so tired. I pinned her to the wall and started giving her pleasure using my fingers.

"I want you now.." She begged. I closed the gap between us and put myself inside of her. She started moaning and fasten the pace.

"I heard that you're planning to kill me." I said and with that she pushed my body. I looked straight into her eyes. I pressed my secret wall revealing a gun and I grabbed it giving it to her.

"It's loaded." I said and she looked at me in horror.

"I'm giving up, Danielle."

"Giving up on what?" She looked at me angrily as she grabbed the gun.

"All of my life."

"You're not making any sense.." She said as she turned off the water.

"Just shoot me." I said as I looked straight into her eyes.

"You're going to kill me sooner or later, might as well doing it now or maybe later when I'm in my sleep." I added and that's when Danielle slapped me so hard.

"Why would I kill you? I need to know where the key system for the nuclear is.. then I can kill you."

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