Chapter 49 - Enjoy Your Movie Night With Cliff.

Start from the beginning

"Well, someone's a lil crabby today." Adam said while folding his arms and he looks at me with an offended face.

"Geez Rebel, you could have just asked nicely." Kurt said while rolling his eyes and I scoff and pull my seat out and sit down again.

"Do you need a nap? You seem a little tired. I know that when people are crabby, their usually tired." Adam said while talking to me like I was a frickin baby and I smile sarcastically.

"Fuck off, British." I say while keeping the sarcastic smile on my face and I stick the middle finger up at them. They dramatically gasp in shock and I roll my eyes.

"So where you from, Doctor Who?" Santana asked while coming over to the table and I facepalm my forehead.

"Uh, England. Do you know Essex?" Adam asked Santana with a light chuckle and he goes over to the fridge. He opens the fridge and he grabs some ham, cheese and butter.

"No. Never heard of it." Santana said in the most nonchalant voice and manner. "Are you guys dating? Because at Mr. Shue's bomb of a wedding, you and Blaine like..." Santana was about to expose Kurt but he cut her off with a loud shush. Oh yeah, Kurt apparently cheated on Adam with Blaine at Mr. Shue's failed wedding and Adam doesn't know.

"Shut up, Santana. Rachel and I are letting you, Sam and Rebel live here rent-free. The least you could do is..." Kurt states while side eyeing Adam to make sure he didn't catch on to what Santana was saying and I cut him off.

"Where is Rachel?" I asked in confusion while scratching my head and Adam goes over to the bread box and gets out some wheat bread. He walks over to the counter that's behind his chair and he starts making a sandwich.

"Probably giving that living mannequin a bikini wax." Santana snarled with a smirk and I chuckle, knowing exactly who she's talking about.

She's talking about Brody, Rachel's new boyfriend, that she cheated on with Finn at Mr. Shue's failed wedding. It's like everyone hooked up with someone at that wedding.

Brody gives me off vibes. When we first came to New York, he told the three of us that we aren't real New Yorkers until we had a makeover. What the hell does that even mean?

"Who?" Sam asked while sitting up on the couch and he looks at us with his phone to his ear.

"Brody." I tell him and he makes an 'ohh' face and nods his head.

"Uh, Brody is working and Rachel is in the bathroom." Adam tells us as he puts ham on his sandwich and my mouth drops in shock. I haven't seen Rachel all day so does that mean she was in the bathroom all day? Dang, what did she eat? The bathroom is probably flooded by now.

"Well, let's hope that she's embracing her inner bulimic because let me tell you, homegirl has been looking extremely pumpkin-like and not just cause of the Tan in a Can." Santana said with a smug smile and I laugh and throw my head back. The bathroom door suddenly opens and Rachel barges out of it.

"Okay, that's it! Your gonna have to move out because this is our sanctuary, and by ours, I mean mine and Kurt's, and frankly, you make me feel uncomfortable, and Brody says that you make him feel uncomfortable as well. Rebel and Sam can stay but you have to go." Rachel states and Santana just waves Rachel off and shrugs her shoulders without a care in the world.

"Girls, girls, retract the claws, all right? NYADA cancelled all the classes because of the snow, so let's just cozy up to our little movie marathon. Santana, did you go through our DVD collection?" Kurt asked her and I sigh and shake my head.

"I sure did. Uh, Knocked Up. Hilarity. Rosemary's Baby— that's obviously Lady Hummels. And, uh, Shes Having a Baby." Santana picked up some DVD's she picked out and I groan

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