56.1:"No goal, no worth".

Start from the beginning

He purses his lips, "Welcome to my life. I wish sometimes that I should have lost my hearing--".

She slaps the side of his head, "Don't say stupid things. Some people actually wish to have hearing so they can hear the person they love".

He smirks, "I thought you didn't believe in it".

"Love is crap. But I heard people talking about it". She said, leaning on the book selves behind her as she spread her legs only to hit his legs

He didn't move his legs but after a few pushes from her, he did grunting.

"Why does everyone wants me to be awake and happy?"

"Who said they want you to be happy?"

"You do have a point for once. All they want is for me to act like I have received a fortune by marrying you".

"Exactly! But you did get a fortune. Not everyone can have a man like me".

"Are you sure you are a man?"

"What's your definition of a man?"

"Not someone like you".

He took a deep breath, ignoring her. She didn't speak for some time and he didn't feel any movement from her so he knows she is asleep, again. He wonders how she can sleep so much in a day.

He heard his door opening, and his mother graced him again. As much as he did not want to interact with his mother she is forcing her ways in just how she did in his marriage decision.

Emotional abuse is the worse when it comes from the people you depended on in the early years of your life. Separating from it is just as worse.

"Why is she here? I have been looking for her everywhere". His mother shouted and he heard her groan

"She is here because you are going after her head all day".

"Do you think it's normal for a new bride to be asleep at such an hour?"

"I wouldn't know because this is my first marriage, and I am not the bride to know how she feels and why she is doing this".

"I cannot believe her mother pushed her on us".

"Apparently you were dying to push your son on someone, and we ended in this situation". She snapped as she couldn't sleep in the screaming, "I didn't want to marry anyone, you forced me into it just like him".

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused

"Ask your mother".

"What is she talking about?"

"I don't know". His mother said angrily

"Really? Cause last time I remember you said something about sending me to jail for no reason". She said as she stands from her place almost falling when his handhold her, "You said you have enough power to blind any authority to place me behind bars for life".

"Don't lie to us".

"I am not lying". She said gritting her teeth

"Is this true?" He asked, turning to his mother, "You did all that?"

"So what? She is good for nothing. She has no goal, and I thought she will be a good person who will handle you and this house responsibilities. That's what all those women who don't have goals do".

She was about to snap at his mother when he holds her hand after trying to locate her for a moment.

"I just realised that my power I worked day and night for has gotten to your head". He said, standing from his place, "Leave from here".

She huffed, looking at the ground because everyone is the same. No one understands her.

Because she has no goals so she has no worth. And what happens to people who don't have goals, they are married and pushed to someone else.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Just planning a slick murder plan".

He rolls his eyes, sitting on his seat when his phone started to ring.

"Are you answering that? That's like the fifth time and I am trying to think". She said groaning, "Who is it anyway?"

"The woman who I couldn't be with because of you".


I have been gone for too long this time. Just adult-ing I guess. Been busy with a new job and lifestyle changes.

I wanted to write so much but never found enough time on my hands. Finally here we go once again.

I missed you all.

Your author,


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