❤️ 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 {𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅}

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This was a request from EightiesxPlaymate, thank you so much for this! I hope you enjoy it :) ❤️

I'd never heard the Prince song you got the idea from, and I haven't listened to it I've gone solely off the request you gave- hope that's okay! 🥰


Nikki's POV, Early 1987

I loved vacations, I never had that many as a kid because of quite obvious reasons but the few I did have I cherish deeply, I've had more as an adult and I guess you can count tours as massive vacations but you're working so I guess it ruins that notion a little.

I never turn down the opportunity of a vacation, so when Robbin Crosby of Ratt who was a good friend of mine approached me asking me to join him on a two week long vacation to an exotic island I couldn't say no.

We had separate rooms and basically did what we wanted when we wanted, we spent our days together but our nights doing what the fuck ever, which was exploring the town and the few bars scattered around.

There was a particular bar I wanted to hit tonight, I'm not sure why but it looked like a good time so I set out for it, I'd been here now for about an hour and got through about 4 whiskey all of them on the rocks, and I had my eyes set on a woman.

I know, I know, typical, huh? But this woman seems different, she's just sat in the corner of the bar with a glass of wine, alone, and that felt wrong.

She'd made eye contact with me a couple of times having obviously felt me staring at her, I think she knew that there was no way in hell I was leaving here without her tonight, I've tried to get her attention by buying her a drink and gesturing for her to join me but she wouldn't move, I usually don't work so hard for women, if a woman hadn't given in by now I'd pick someone else but there was something about her that was almost enchanting me.

She was almost like a siren, she was certainly beautiful enough to be one.

I was so drawn to her but I couldn't find it in me to go over to her, it confused me and frustrated me because I was known for being a sleazy motherfucker, a womanizer of you will... but she gave off an aura which was almost intimidating.

I both admire and resent it.

After a while I decided not to be a pussy and just go over to her, despite the fact she was terrifying to me, the feelings she gave me were terrifying.

I sighed and downed what I had left in my glass of whiskey before hauling myself off the stool I was sat on and made my way over to the corner of the bar slowly- the woman looks at me and smirked as she saw me coming closer to her, her eyes met mine and her gaze was burning into me, it made me want to crawl into a hole and wither away but instead of giving into the feeling of running I continued on my path towards her because as much as I wanted to run I just simply couldn't.

I was under her spell and god did she know it.

The woman took a sip from her glass and held it in her hand lightly and just as I got close enough to her she began to speak "I never thought I'd be able to pull a rockstar... evidently I was wrong"

I smiled a little and sat down next to her "You're perfectly aware of the fact you're attractive, so don't even start... I know I'm not the first one to give in to you and you know who I am so that means you also know you're not the first woman to be into me"

𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now