•💚 𝗦𝗺𝗼𝗸𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗝𝗮𝗶𝗹 {𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀}

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This was a request from XxImaginesQrCodexX, so thank you for the idea, I hope you enjoy it, sorry it took so long☺️


Tuesday's POV, 1985

Mick was amazing, he was incredible- the most incredible man I've ever met, he had to be to put up with Nikki, Vince and Tommy- I wasn't much better mind you, I could be as much of a handful as them especially when I'm hanging with them- we get into a lot of trouble, not all of it intentional but some of it is... we love to cause chaos, getting in trouble isn't pleasant but it comes with the job I suppose.

So, Mick definitely had to put up a lot, the amount of money he's had to pay out in bail for the three of us is getting ridiculous... Mick wasn't keen on me doing what I do, he'd rather me keep out of the terror his band mates cause and I do try but the second Nikki, Tom or Vinnie come to me with a crazy idea it's impossible to refuse.

I was total opposites with the guitarist but that's what made us so compatible with one another, I was crazy and loud while Mick was calm and quiet- but it made us a match made in heaven.

We're actually getting married in a few months and I was beyond excited for that because there is nobody I'd rather spend my life with than Mick.

The boys were on tour right now which meant almost everyday the Terror Twins and Vince came up with some batshit crazy idea, yesterday it was throwing TV's out of windows and today it was Nikki and Vince against Tommy.

Vin and Nik had wanted to prank Tom for a while now- if you can even call it a prank, I'd call it terrorizing because that's all there is when it comes to it. Last night we'd planned to sneak into the drummers room while he was asleep and light his suitcase on fire, without clothes in obviously, we weren't that mean... we might light a little bit of the bed up as well, but that will depend where Tommy is positioned.

Nikki had brought the lighter fluid we needed with him as he said 'you never know when you might need it' which is true I suppose.

We were all pretty high last night and this morning was no different, after I'd snuck out on Mick to meet up with Nikki and Vince in the bassists room at 5:30am we all snorted two lines of cocaine, it gave us the confidence to do anything and damn the consequences- we knew we were going to get in trouble for this so coke just removed any doubts as to why we shouldn't do this.

So, at 5:45 after going over the plan one final time the three of us went over to Tommy's hotel room which Nikki had to the key too because their the Terror Twins... it wouldn't be right if they didn't have keys to each other's hotel rooms.

We had to be quiet when entering the room and make sure the door didn't slam and give us away, Vince closed the door gently behind us and Nikki went straight over to Tom's suitcase and took out all the clothes from it and placed them to me where I just put them on the floor hopefully out of harms way- Vince grinned at me in excitement and I returned it as Nikki poured the lighter fluid into the suitcase, the bassist then threw me the bottle without the lid on so it splashed a little over the floor  but nobody paid any mind to us because we were to preoccupied, Nik pointed towards the bed and told me to pour it on the side furthest from Tommy so he didn't get hurt, I nodded and did as I was told.

Vince then got out his lighter and went over to the suitcase at set it alight, followed once that was done by the bed... but obviously this quickly escalated into something we could no longer control, why did we even bother to do this? Maybe snorting that cocaine wasn't such a bright idea.

𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now