❤️ 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘂𝗹 {𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅}

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This was a request from EightiesxPlaymate, so thank you, I loved this idea so much!

I'm actually really in love with this one and I hope you guys are too 😆

Enjoy it :)


Y/N's POV, February 1991

The last month has been one of the best of my life, the thing that made that so was that Nikki and I had welcomed our first child three weeks ago, Gunner Nicolas Sixx... we were ecstatic about it, we both loved our little boy and we were still adjusting to the new sleep schedule he'd given us but despite being sleep deprived we loved him with every fibre of our being.

Ever since Nikki and I got married we've wanted to try for a child, we'd only been married just under a year before we conceived a child.

Nikki was very excited when I told him, nervous but happy, the moment I told him I was pregnant it was almost the happiest I'd ever seen him, the other time I saw him happier was the day we got married.

The only downside to this entire situation was the fact I was no longer happy with myself, I'd gained a few pounds while being pregnant, which is natural, it was hardly noticeable but I noticed- my favourite pair of jeans were now unable to fasten, not by a lot but I couldn't wear them and that made me feel shittier than it should have done.

To try and lose the excess weight I'd began working out, which had confused the living shit out of Nikki because I never work out- I've always said I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than workout but here I am now, doing the very thing I despise just so I can feel like myself again.

The weight was worth the child Nikki and I got out of it but it just made me feel ugly just to know I'm not as skinny as I was before I'd had Gunner.

I'd been in the garage now for about an hour, it was where Nikki kept all the workout equipment, he'd forced me to work out before but I'd given up after ten minutes so I was rather proud of myself for my hour of exercise, my favourite bit of equipment is the exercise bike, I've always loved cycling- I used to cycle with my dad when I was a kid, so I just spent most of my time on that. It was more fun than some of the other shit in here.

My current workout schedule was an hour a day- at the times 10am to 11am, as well as walking as many places as I could and my diet for the time being was no junk food or foods high in sugar.

Nikki really did think I was crazy because he saw nothing wrong with me but I saw something wrong and I have to fix it.

My hour was up before I knew it and as soon as it was you weren't going to catch me sticking around here for longer, uh uh. I wish there were more entertaining ways of losing weight quickly but nope, it doesn't work like that as much as I'd like it too.

I grabbed my water bottle and let my hair down as I'd tied it back for the time I was exercising it got in the way too much, especially when I sweat it just gets wet and makes me feel worse, after doing this though I started to leave the room just wanting to get into the shower.

As I left the room though a certain someone was already waiting for me "You don't need to do that, y'know?" I hear Nikki's voice say suddenly from the doorway just as I was about to walk out- it surprisingly didn't make me jump which was a change, I usually always got jump scared.

𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now