Born under a Bad Sign

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Me and sam were in a motel room with blood on us. I started crying. sam called Dean. Then a knock at the door scared me, my lip quivered, then deans voice said" sam, its me." sam or I didn't get up. "sam." Dean opened the door. he came in saying" sam? Bella? Hey." we said" hey Dean." Dean bent down looking at us he said" are you bleeding?" I said" we tried to wash it off." he looked at us and then he found a giant blood stain on each of our shirts, sam said" we don't think it's our blood." Dean said" whose is it?" We said" we don't know." Dean said" Sam, what the heck happened?" Sam said" Dean...we don't remember anything." we changed while Dean went to get food and find some stuff about how we got here. after I changed I fell asleep clinging to Sam. I felt like I was being put on something then I felt nothing so I let deep sleep take over again.
I woke up, we were in front of a house in the impala. sam and Dean got out, I did too. we went in, and saw a guy on the ground dead, Dean turned him over, I put my head in Sam's jacket. sam said" Dean, we did this." Dean said" we don't know that." Sam said" what else do you need? How else do you explain the car, the knife, the blood?" Dean said" I don't know, man. why don't you tell me? Even if you two did this, I'm sure you had a reason, you know self-defense, he was something." then me and sam went towards the closet, Dean gave sam his lock pick and then when we opened it, arsenal guns, knifes everything and symbols, demon trap symbols. Dean said" either this guys a Unabomber..." sam and I said" or a hunter." sam said" Dean, I think we killed a hunter." Dean said" lets find out." we looked up to see a security camera. we watched the video, me and Sam killed a hunter. I was completely zoned off. then I heard something smash. then I was picked up.
I was pushed onto a bed and I just stayed there, me and Sam murdered someone. we killed someone.
I woke being carried by Dean. I felt horrible then I passed out.
Once I woke up, I was at the roadhouse at least outside it in a chair. I was soaked in water, I jumped up and ran. that Dean, the demon sam. I slid and hid in bushes. I'm scared I want my sam and Dean. I don't know where they are at all. I blinked out to find them, I couldn't connect with sam. I did with Dean though, then I blinked back and I saw black smoke leave my body but only a little. I was a demon.
I'm somewhere but where. I have to call someone that will help me but who will help the daughter of John winchester, I blinked out finding sam and Dean in the impala, then they said" oh crap BELLA!!" They grabbed deans phone and I blinked back, answering the phone, sam said" Bella where are you exactly?" I said" I don't know. uh in the middle of no where, I'm cold and scared to death." sam said" just keep walking you'll hit a town soon where was the last place you were at?" I said" uh road house i think." I heard Dean say" ok." Then I hung up and walked on a path made by my shoe prints. I made it back to the road and saw the road house with the impala sitting outside it, I ran to it and looked in the car to see sam and Dean. I jumped in the car, to be embraced by them, we took off.

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