Night Shifter

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I'm always in the impala, why I never know I never care. they came out they always look soo adorable in their FBI suits.
Went back to a motel room and they started research.
It was the next day, Sam and Dean went to the next spot for the shape shifter. it's been hours since they went, I turned on the tv and saw it on the news, it was the bank they were in where the shapeshifter was in great this St. Louis all over again, I hope not. I watched the tv I'm scared out of my mind. something was off, I could feel the tension through sam. I saw the SWAT team go in, oh crap. It was morning the police gave up, they got out. I got a call on my cell, it was sam, he said" you can kill us later okay now come outside." I got up and grabbed my packed bags they had all the had in the impala already, I jumped in the impala and we drove off.

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