Chapter 65 - Isekai's Plan

Start from the beginning

"Give him my hopes that he will make it through. Anyway, you're aware of Kanao's transformation, yes?" he said. Kagaya nodded, signaling that he was fully aware. "Call all of the Hashira into the staff's meeting room. You too. I have something to discuss regarding that matter," he requested. Kagaya nodded, activated the speaker, and called all of the Hashira to the meeting room.

Kimetsu Academy: Staff Meeting Room, 8:05 AM

Tengen decided to come to the discussion, which was marked as his final meeting as a member of Slayers. When asked, he would tell them that this was most likely serious, and even with his limited strength, he swore an oath to help with his final task in the Slayers Corporation however he could.

Isekai then spoke of his plan. "As of now, you should all be aware that Kanao Tsuyuri, a close friend and classmate of mine, has been transformed into a demon by the criminal mastermind himself. Four of us, along with Kanroji have witnessed Kanao in her demon body in the flesh. We originally intended to kill her, just to make sure that there were no further increases in demon activity. However, I've decided to formulate a plan."

All of the Hashira, and Kagaya, were interested in this plan. "May we hear this scheme of yours, young lad?" Kagaya requested. Isekai nodded, and put up a picture of a woman who took the form of a beautiful woman with long, dark brown hair, parted in the center and worn braided back into a large, low bun, which was pinned down by a floral hairpin. She has large, gentle eyes without pupils, and haze of lavender that fades to dark purple the higher it goes, and notably red lips in contrast to her pale complexion. "Do you know who this woman is?" he asked, waiting for anyone who might know her to acknowledge.

Shinobu and Muichiro took a look at the photo and immediately recognized the woman. Shinobu perked up a little, and said: "Isn't that Tamayo? The woman Muichiro and I occasionally go out with on festivals and road trips?"

Isekai nodded and asked them if they were aware that she was a scientist. They weren't, and asked him to explain further. "Last night, I was able to make contact with Tamayo, and even she has a burning hatred for the criminal mastermind herself. It turns out that nearly her whole family was devoured by Kibutsuji, and only her eldest son and youngest daughter survived. Every sibling in between was consumed, along with Tamayo's husband. We agreed to work together, and no one had to pay anything."

Sanemi started to become gradually more interested in Isekai's plan and asked him how she would help. Isekai replied that he was glad he asked and elaborated on the explanation further. "Tamayo has been trying to study demon biology for six years, ever since becoming a scientist. As of today, she's 33 and is the head of her own laboratory, where over 150 people work with her, focusing on the biology of these fiends that Kibutsuji creates. They've caught demons before, but something's always getting them killed before they could even begin testing. We need to deliver the info we have to Tamayo. If all goes well, along with the research being completed, we may have the key we need to getting Kanao back, and perhaps some other people."

Gyomei asked about how they were going to stop Muzan's Blood Curse from killing the demons that were put up for testing, and even Isekai planned for that. "Yeah, see, Mr. Himejima, I was prepared for that, too. I sent Inosuke and Kaigaku to work together on a mission last night. If nothing on their mission went wrong, they should have the secured objective right around..." *door opens* ""

Kaigaku and Inosuke walked into the meeting room, put down the boxes on the table, and left the room without saying a word. He opened the boxes containing the secured item, those being serums filled with blood that was a darker color of red. Shinobu asked if this was the fluid required for the cure. Isekai shook his head. "This fluid was made for another substance which is a key to getting the actual key. We need to experiment with this and see if we can make a suppressor for the Blood Curse. We then need to make Tamayo use her Blood Magic to trick a demon into speaking of Kibutsuji," he explained, twirling the sample of demon blood along his finger. Then, Tengen asked: "But, what about the cure for the transformation itself?"

Isekai sighed and gave his answer. "They've successfully made cures for transformation reversal, but due to using the blood of a low-end demon, the substance was extremely unstable. The drug for the transformation reversal worked, but less than a minute after, large tumors began rapidly forming on the subject's body, began to expand, then self-destructed into a large pile of flesh, and eventually turned to ash. According to the results and a bit of studying their cellular makeup, that's what happens when there's an overdose of demon blood being injected."

Sanemi was getting rather disappointed, asking how they would create the cure for Kanao. Isekai then sighed and prepared to say something. "This is going to sound unbelievably ironic, but, contrary to the overdose of blood causing that, we need an entire serum of an Upper Moon's blood to even remotely have a chance to get a stable cure. After classes end today, we're going to head to Tamayo's laboratory. For most of you, this will be your first time meeting her, so please don't be disrespectful," he said, looking at Kagaya, who immediately realized the intention on his face. "Dismissed," he announced.

Later that day...

A bus pulled up at a large, well-known research lab. Out of the vehicle came Isekai, Kagaya, and all of the Hashira.  They entered and followed Isekai inside. They paid the entry fee and went over to a staff member who was near an elevator. "Wait here," Isekai said, walking over to the employee. He then said: "Blood Bewitchment." The man pulled out his phone and checked the laboratory's log for today's new password, and Isekai said the correct password. He opened the elevator, entered a specific code on a keypad, and the elevator carried them downward.

After nearly half a minute, the elevator door opened, revealing a large research lab with many people working on their research. Isekai went up to one of the men and asked for the person to accept the sample delivery. He told them that she was at the cafeteria to their left. After entering said cafeteria, a woman began to walk out of the room. "Ah, Isekai! Do you have the good stuff?" she asked. Isekai nodded and gave her the boxes containing the samples. She then told the group to follow her into an office.

The woman knocked on the door, and another woman's voice said: "Come in!"
She opened the door.

To be continued...

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