Moving through the facility, they kept their eyes peeled for any hidden traps, knowing full well that they could be injured or even killed. Ahsoka's experiences in the Citadel had taught her that, and y/n had spent enough time breaking himself out of prison cells to know that they could be fatal.

Twice they almost triggered a tripwire that would unleash who knows what on them. Other times the wrist computer didn't have enough information to warn them of hidden pits with electric razor sharp spikes that they barely avoided. Multiple other occasions had been encountered, including a huge spider like creature that she had to cut down with her lightsabers.

"Have you got the thermal detonators, n/n?" Ahsoka asked as they jogged, boots echoing slightly through the narrow passageways. In front of her, y/n kept looking down at his wrist computer in an effort to keep track of where the guard patrols would be, as well as trying to navigate them through the sprawling maze-like system of cells.

"Yup," he answered, swinging his backpack around and pulling out a couple of the bombs, tossing one carelessly to her. She barely stopped to avoid crashing into him.

"Hey watch it! What are you trying to do, kill me?" she grumbled as the detonator almost stuck to her arm, only dodging it because of her heightened senses. "I knew it would be a bad idea to give those to you."
They arrived at a huge steel door, and both nodded in mutual understanding, ceasing their previous banter and joking. He set himself up beside the keypad whilst Ahsoka drew her lightsabers and waited in front of the entrance. Miming a countdown with his fingers, y/n then dialled the passcode and the door slid open.

Inside, the droids and personnel didn't stand a chance against their blades. One machine, however, was able to press the button to signal for aid.

"Intruders! Intruders!"

Frowning, y/n used the Force to crush it before throwing the mangled figure at one of the Human staff who was trying to escape, knocking them unconscious. Beside him, the Togruta was dispatching the last droid, two senseless personnel lying on the floor amidst the cut-up robot parts.

"What is your status?" another squeaky, tinny voice came from the controls.

y/n and Ahsoka looked at each other, sharing an uneasy look. She pushed him forwards with her shoulder, shooting him a glare that seemed to say, that droid was your problem.

Clearing his throat, he extinguished his lightsaber and walked towards where the voice came from, stepping over the cut off arm of a downed droid.

"Uh, we request help! We are overwhelmed! Bring more forces, there are a dozen Jedi! No, stay away you filth-" he picked up a blaster with the Force and shot it at the communication device, shutting off the line.

"What in the galaxy was that?" Ahsoka was doubled over, leaning on her knees as her body shook with laughter. To make it convincing, he had spoken with his imitation of a battle droid, and judging from the Togruta's reaction, it was impeccable.

"Well, I have many talents," y/n smirked, his cheeks growing hot as he grabbed Ahsoka's arm to steer her out of the control room.

"But seriously, what were you thinking?" she gasped through breaths of air, a grin still plastered her face. "Alerting the forces?"
Taking out a few thermal detonators, he began activating them and sticking them onto the walls of the room whilst Ahsoka worked to pull out the unconscious personnel, throwing them into an empty cell and then locking it.

As the red flashing lights on the bombs began to appear, the sound of mechanical footsteps also filled the corridor. Tossing a smoke bomb into the space, he waited for the fumes to fill the area before jumping up. y/n removed the cover of a vent and the two Jedi leapt into the dark confines.

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