Chapter 46

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"Oh my God what happened Rose? Why are you on crutches?!" Mel asks shaken.
"Just got them while saving our family's asses." Rose smiles brightly.
"I can't believe that you got in trouble once again come here. No wait I am coming there. What the hell did you do this time?!" Deborah asks pulling Rose's ears.
"Well all I gotta say is that you should check the news."
"When they saw Rose and Josh all over the news and the criminals who happened to be none other than father George and Joe." their faces were paler than white china. Perhaps too stunned to form a coherent reply.
Even the picture of who looked much like dead father Ben was shown, his front soaking in blood and a little message beside him written in blood was highlighted and circled in red. It said, 'Catch them, you'd get paid in heaven.'
When Rose turned to see her mother she could see a face full of rage and betrayal. The atmosphere grew dismal in seconds. Noah got up from his seat in disgust over the news. Perhaps unable to believe how they got tricked all these years.
Even the farmhouse that he gave to church boom Father Patrick confirmed of no property given to church since father George came.
I wonder if he saw the news.
"Oh and also I'd like to add, -"
Noah looked away from his phone giving Rose his full attention as does Deborah.
" The people you trusted so much, believed so much in kidnapped me, you see my leg, when I woke up from whatever drug they used to make me unconscious, I could do nothing but wait for them to kill me, they did this to my leg it ain't me falling while doing some stunt, I have no idea what they did to me while I was unconscious and the cuts on my arms that you see, it was Andre, the one who took appearance of father Joe I could tell from the voice, he took pleasure while cutting through the skin of my arms . You put so much of faith in that father that today I would have my hand in working condition." Rose said bitterly boling inside, she could clearly see hurt and perhaps guilt in her parents eyes. She couldn't hold it in longer before she bursts out crying. Mel, Deborah and Noah all of them run towards Rose to catch her from falling since she let the crutches go away.
Noah turned red in anger and anguish that zapped his soul, Deborah was a piece of emotional mess continuously hugging and kissing Rose everywhere while Mel kept hugging her from one side. The way Deborah and Noah felt, nothing could describe it in words, the emotions were thick around them. The amount of hurt and betrayal faced by the entire family was too much too deal, the pressure let some cracks in their hearts. Perhaps the wounds too deep to repair.
After a while Father said, "I'd file a case for our farmhouse. I gave it to the church not to that devil. It will still qualify under a fraud. "
"Dad I already did that. The house has been sold and the new owner claimed the transaction he did while purchasing after all it was under donation the papers you've signed clearly stated that you have no legal rights over the property and you are donating it. We've lost it to blind faith." Rose replied in anguish.
Noah's face morphed into dispare it was nothing compared to what she'd gone through.
" Let's go. " Noah said abruptly.
" Where dad? I am telling you no need to get involved with this case anymore. "
" We're going to Josh's hospital." Noah replied in almost trance too hesitant to say Josh's dad's name, one who was his best friend, one he could not live without talking to everyday..
" Josh left his hospital, uncle got arrested under many illegal doings that were found in the hospital and few other doctors as well, right now the hospital is running ofcourse since it's the major health care and noone working there actually knows that they are under watch 24 /7 in the hospital. Since noone is dubious and after removing the suspected no case has come forth. With the help of Josh they gained all the system files, data and everyone's personal information. Everyone is going through a thorough ransack without their knowledge. Josh is working in the hospital for villagers in the outskirts like 200 km from here. "
Rose stops by seeing Noah breakdown.
" Dad! What's wrong? "
" Honey are you alright? "
Mel just starts crying as she sees Noah cry.
Noah after a moment finds his voice to reply.
" It's not like I hate hospitals for no reason it's that I don't trust in doctors. They are cruel and heartless. I admitted your granny in Josh's hospital - " Noah says avoiding his friend's name.
"You guys might know how much of close friends Josh's father and I were right. I trusted that man with my life and yet this happened. Your grandma wasn't that old at the time she got hospitalized it was primarily because she was low on glucose and had trouble eating. All the tests were normal yet after a few days they were claiming she needs to undergo operation or else she will die not really bothered to tell us what was this all about just claiming we won't understand and there was little time to waste. I paid for the operation. After operation your grandma was shifted in ICU. They didn't allow us to visit but I could see her, she looked fine, alive. I used to see her every hour of the day, see her chest rising and falling on the second day the rising and falling of the chest stopped, I knew something was wrong I called doctors, they went inside not allowing me. When they come outside they claimed that all was right and told me to look at the machines where her heart rate was shown. I did that taking a breath of relief. After two more days they just claimed she was dead and while they said it I was looking from outside and I clearly saw the heart rate machine still showing heart rate closed by one of the official. I immediately took your granny from there. Something was wrong minutes before they claimed she was dead but the coldness of her hands said otherwise, I took your grandma to autopsy where they revealed she was missing both the kidneys, liver, pancreas and 70 percent of her lung tissue. I could think of nothing but be devasted and the very fact that she didn't die minutes before but precisely two days back was a blow. The doctors lied in front of my face, kept her body in the room for two days and the bill was off charts. I filed a case, he was no longer a human in my eyes, apparently he had huge network of connections and no one dared raise a finger against him. He might have fed the whole system! I stopped talking with him and his family entirely. He never even bothered lying or explaining the cruelty in the least.. The man whom I trusted more than anybody, whom your grandma cooked food for multiple times, killed her. I was broken to the point where I could trust no doctor in this lifetime. When Josh went hospital I was devasted that the pure child he was would be muddled with the cruelty of his father perhaps I was wrong, Josh was never impure in his moral and he just proved it. I feel awful for denying him to come here. Let's go see him and get your arm treated. " Noah said with clarity breaking all the doubts and theories Rose had for her father and his cold shoulder to doctors melting her at the tragedy with her grandmother. She indirectly avenged her grandma, had she known sooner she'd have done it a lot earlier. She wanted to crush uncles bone for this. That man ruined not only trust but many relationships as well. She knew he clearly would be given a death sentence but she wished it would be rescheduled to this very moment.
They go to Josh where Noah crushes him in a hug. He looked like a complete surprised Pikachu. Rose signs him she'll explain later and she knew how dearly Josh would be welcomed in the family once again.

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