Chapter 29

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"Coming coming!"
God this Josh, how impatient. He was aggressively ringing like a madman. While Rose was washing herself of all the mud she got on her while spying on couple of her targets.
She saw through the door eyepiece. It was a man with cap and his head looked down, Rose didn't open the door and the person began ringing more harshly he looked up for a second and Rose knew it was Josh.
She opens door to see Josh having a bag, quite unusual attire and a mustache! Ahhh he might be under disguise.
"Get in. Where were you? I thought you were in OT. You won't believe the things I found. Oh comeon take your mustache off, well I must say mustache suits you though."
Rose tried taking off his mustache in one swift motion, resulting to nothing but a shriek from Josh. She tried pulling on it again managing to pluck a few.
"What?! How could you grow mustache overnight??!"
"Where's Josh?"
Rose looks as though she couldn't understand what she just heard, which was as crazy as schizophrenia could get, given the situation seemed quite obviously a puzzle since Josh was the one asking about where was Josh.
"Have you lost it." Rose holds Josh's face in her hands before saying , "you're Josh."
He looks at her assessing her amidst the mud on her cheeks and tied hair. It seemed to dawn upon him, she was the girl he saw in the laptop, the one who had curly hair and back eyes.
"I'm Jason not Josh."
"Did you just hair planted your mustache to play this prank on me? Or is this some super adhesive doctors use? You once showed me how to fix synthetic skull piece I am sure you used that sticky thing used in there but your hair grows in about a day that's insane?! Why would you?? Come on we already have so much on our plate and you acting this way neither suits your age nor image."
The pretty lady infront seemed cute in all her innocence but damn Josh was he wanted to deal with at the moment but since it was her laptop, perhaps she was more of help than Josh. Did Josh knew she had a folder under his name and all the wrongdoings of the hospital under their family name. His head was buzzing with questions.
"Listen, I don't have time. Tell me where's Josh and who are you? His girlfriend?"
"We are friends and you irritating me Josh, oh wait are you practicing some new pickup line to impress your colleagues if you are then let me tell you pretending to be someone else with the same face is hard to swallow and the pickup line is thrash. Enough now and for your information that disguise failed terribly you look like yourself infact now you're looking more Josh than Josh."
" I literally took off all my disguise, this is real whatever you're seeing. " he says pointing at his face and beard mostly.
It seemed like a dumb idea but it seemed like he had to walk her through everything before she'd believe in him being Jason and not Josh.
He sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside him for her to occupy she does and continues looking at him with huge eyes. She was really cute but it wasn't the time to flirt, Jason sprang in his mode of action.
"Josh and I are twins. I'm Jason and let me tell you, you are in big trouble if this is your laptop." he pulls out her laptop from his bag and Rose audibly gasp  not aware whether the gasp was from her listening to Josh having a twin brother all this time or from seeing her lost treasure. She extends her hand to have her laptop but he drags it away from her.
"I can't give this back to you. The person who stole this from you asked me to open the device."
Rose smiles confident that Josh2  or whoever looking like Josh was not able to open her systems. As if reading her mind he continued, "Ofcourse I opened the system and copied everything."
Rose immediately turned pale at hearing this but still had a little bit of confidence left by the thought that was dominantly screaming that the person infront was blatantly lying.
"I know you're faking, unable to admit that you were unsuccessful at opening it, comeon be a man, bragging seems pretty lame."
He opens the laptop, leaving Rose shell shocked to her core, staring at the screen infront she was pretty much gobsmacked to know someone better than her at cracking codes was sitting right beside her. Ugh she literally used all her knowledge for locking her laptop and still he managed to open it. It was a bummer to know that the person even managed to do everything before her systems figured out and went to self destruct mode .
"So you're Jason I see. If what you are saying is true and my eyes are most definitely are confirming it. So why are you here? Does Josh even know of your existence? Did you come to save your hospital? Do you as well are of the opinion, 'rules are for poor and services for rich' .
If you think so let me tell you I am gonna wipe out all the pests from this town and you could do nothing. Kill me and all my data would go public, kidnap me - the result would be same. Choose to be on the side of justice and be at internal peace.
Jason could do nothing but smile. How could someone be so charming while nervously shaking all over and deliver such bold words at the same time.
"Don't worry you're safe, I would neither kill you nor kidnap you. Since you are Josh's girlfriend I'll tell you I'm surprised he didn't tell you about me. I work as an undercover agent for government and at the moment I am on a mission." Rose's mouth formed the shape of 'O' and all she could do was nod and suddenly she remembered how Josh once said that he was repulsed by the idea of undercover agent when she jokingly said she wanted to be one. Maybe Jason was the reason for his dislike to the job. Jason started talking animatedly about all the details he managed to gather from his associates spread all across the place under disguise but failed to take their own family hospital under radar and blindly thought about it being the alpine of health care.
Just when Jason was about to tell more, Josh entered.
"My goodness Rose with the situation like this how could you possibly leave the door open?" Josh said brusquely. His face turned colors when he noticed who I was sitting with.
"Hello brother!"

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