Chapter 31

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"Did you get her reply? Did she like it? Did you like it?"
"Remy, it's literally the fifth time you've been asking the same question in an hour. Yes I loved it most ardently and I am positive she'd like it too."
Mel was enjoying rilling Remy. She loved the attention he was providing her and despite her denying him any means of contact with her, he was persistent enough waiting curtly at the hour when food was served. Patiently waiting for Mel to finish her meal before bugging her.
They seemed to share a lot of common ground not only in writing but also in painting and had similar fascination with mysteries of life and universe.
They chatted countless times about stars, horizon, feast of colors the sky offered, the depth of religion and human love, various food and just about everything that interested them before Remy asked her about ex animo the fifth time.
She patiently excused herself from the situation again. She never did this, never lied to someone on their face.
"I am sorry I am just anxious about her reply I hope she likes it." he admits unabashedly and Mel seemed to enjoy his confession.
"I have to make a call to my sister excuse me."
"No problem but network ain't working again, ofcourse give it a try who knows you might turn lucky."
Mel smiles at Remy before calling Rose and indeed she was lucky to have the call get not only connected but answered by Rose the busy bee on the second ring itself.
" Hey there! You don't seem to miss me in the least! Are you sleeping well without me next door?" Mel asks pouting.
"Mel! I missed you so much. I literally missed your screaming so much. Oh oh and you won't believe what's happening here! It's like a huge melodrama going on here. Did you know that Josh had a twin?!"
"The fact that you are figuring this out now is concerning me."
Rose feels betrayed at Mel's words.
"Oh my God you knew?!?! You never told me?!"
"Rose everyone knew. Why else would we call the same person Jason and Josh otherwise?"
"I thought Jason changed his name to Josh later. All the while I've been thinking that Josh was the nickname he took as his official name."
"No dummy they were clearly two people since birth but then again I don't blame you, you were too little and remember you always forget half the stuff you're meant to remember."
"Oh comeon I still remember your seat number to the online exam you gave last year."
"Ya forget the important stuff and remember the useless one - - -" network cut abruptly before Mel could retort to Rose.
Mel sighs looking at the wallpaper of her and Rose. It's just the second day of cruising and she missed home and Rose not that she was complaining of being in the beautiful cruise, above deep blue waters and in the middle of nowhere. It was all lovely and she could already notice a swift turn in the poems she had been writing. She wanted to continue with her novel draft as well..
"You seem close to your sister." Remy stated the obvious smilingly.
"I can't without her. When she was born, I was the happiest, though she tortures the living shit out of me I am helpless when it comes to her. Her presence is enough to comfort me, I love her."
"Quite rare for sisters to live in peace."
"Oh you should see us at home, you'd definitely say otherwise."
"So what's your adress considering you gave an open invitation to me to witness you and your sisters lively hood status."
Mel laughs, "Smooth."
"I doubt that it's your adress." Remy says staying in character in all seriousness. No matter how hard he'd try, the girl infront didn't seem to get the slightest clue of how interested he was in her. It was frustrating and adorable at the same time. How could someone miss such obvious flirts, either she was gay or exceptionally naive.
Turns out it was definitely the latter when he asked or rather probed her to tell more about herself. He learnt that she was home schooled her entire life and she was an amateur writer, when he asked about her books she waved it off by saying how impatient she was to complete even one story, she had drafts which he doubted for a second. Maybe she didn't feel like sharing her work before getting published or perhaps did he create his image like a word thief he pondered upon the beauty with the most complex mind sitting in front of him. Answering his questions cut to cut and he had to pick the burden of coming with new topics to discuss while he was with her since she loved staring at her pages if not asked anything. He figured out that Mel was acutely shy and timid but when it came to things she loved, her eyes with sparkle with interest and livelyness and he loved that thing about her.
She definitely was one of a kind he'd encountered. When he persisted on giving her contact few hours before, she went lengths to avoid it, earlier he thought maybe she was playing hard to get but by talking with her he realized she was an absolute introvert and her backhanding his every effort was her protecting her little world where she lived alone. He could do nothing but smile and comply to all her terms. He promised to never force Mel on giving her contact, if there was something to happen it'd happen on its own. He was a big believer in destiny and believed that fate had its way of getting back to whoever it binds the thread with.
Mel looks questioningly when Remy took more than a minute to reply her. She asked once more this time effectively getting Remy's attention.
"Remy I was asking if you had any siblings?"
"Oh sorry I did not heard you the first time. I had a sibling, he died a week ago."
"Oh I'm so sorry for your loss that sounds awful. Are you alright?"
"Ofcourse I'm alright! When alive he always wanted to go on a cruise, he was the most passionate human being I knew of. The day before he died he wanted to tell me something big but I never happened to know what it was. I never enjoyed living always thought it's a burden to live but when I lost my brother I fell in love with life. I am trying to see the world through his eyes. He's name was Willson. "

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