Chapter Two

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Deborah and Noah both were looking at their daughter as though she would vanish any minute.
"Our daughter looks just like an angel." father said to which a tear slides from mom's eye
"she looks like an angel
talks like an angel
Walks like an angel
But I got wise
she's the devil in disguise
Oh yes you're the devil in disguise"
Rose thought that'd lighten mood but
that earned her a sharp glare if not a slap.
She was in no mood to be punished today so she runs off muttering a hushed sorry.

I must do something before shamans and priests take over this damn situation. Way to make money of someone else's cause. People trust in them because they feel helpless after having tried all they could and here comes my family ditching the obvious, avoiding medicine at all cost and inviting people who know little about human body, all they'd speak is in terms of either evil or holy, doctors would just kill themselves for all the years of studied knowledge being ditched over this supernatural shit. It's high time everyone realizes of these people claiming to know beyond humanity are nothing but opportunists only if they used little bit, little bit of logic instead of being blinded by the curtain of faith. When would I ever stop ranting about this, it's been years and ughh it's surprising how my blood still boils over the same thing time and again.
'What do you think Father? How's our Mel??'
'Son I can see an aura of darkness around her... Certainly I could as well feel the presence of evil spirits.'
Rose was mentally trying to wake Mel up from her slumber all the while face-palming for having involved her parents.
"Father she's been sleeping like this for about three hours now, we tried to wake her twice. Shall we call doctor? I don't want to loose Mel Father... What should we do" mother broke down
Rose's eyes sparkled finally mother started talking sense how did doctor's name crossed her lips was mind bending in itself
"No dear, calm down it is God who heals.. Have faith my child. I feel darkness residing in here."
God who heals my foot! How about he fix my arm then rose wanted to scream.
He roams and touches all the furniture and things then stops when he comes close to Mel's laptop
"Dear can you open this" He says looking at Rose.
"Why, very well yes Father."
She opens the laptop... Father George touches it and it starts fluctuating. Even the bulb near it sort of starts acting like it'd give way any minute.. It does, half of room turns dark. Laptop still showed grains and screen was fluctuating between shades of dark and light.
Everyone looked scared to their pit especially Deborah who soon covered Mel's upper half by her torso and arms while continuously saying verses of Bible..
Father closes laptop and everything returns back to normal the bulb once again lights up.
That surely doesn't look normal, Rose was scared for the first time by something that she had no knowledge about...
"What happened Father?? What's going on???" asked Noah, dead worried about his children and family.
"This is Satan's work, I sense darkness, evil in this place. I feel saddened to say this but I suppose your daughter most definitely did some sort of unholy thing to bring this upon your family." "Father, our daughter never even listened to those rock bands youngsters are obsessed with... She is an angel! We could swear our life upon her. She's the holiest of people I've seen her age.. Please save my Melissa Father please I beg of you"
Rose had never seen her father so frantic and desperate before. She wanted to console him and ask Father George about what exactly are the things that he does not consider unholy! Only if her parents knew the difference between faith and obsession... But the laptop incident minutes before made her mind hurt for she could not find logic behind it... How? why? what? were constantly probing her mind for answers, an explainable reason in the least.
"My child I understand how helpless a father might feel to see his children unprotected.. I know you people and see the light of holyness from you all.. To wash the sins of whoever caused this, do as much work as humanely as possible for the church, we'll arrange sermon and I'll soon come back with arrangements to cleanse this house. God shall help the needy Trust in him."
" Amen. "
" Then I shall ask your leave with a promise to return "
" Yes Father. Thank you for your guidance "
Before Father leaves the bulb beside him fluctuates leaving Rose and her parents scared
Father smiled and ensured them about their safety while handing them holy water in a small glass bottle that had raised sign of cross in the center.
All Rose wanted was to mock the precious holy water her family so believed in.
Father George left saying to have courage..
Courage was not a problem but ignorance that definitely was one were words that clouded Rose's mind as she saw retreating back of their supposed savior.

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