Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Are you alright sweetie?" Deborah asks Mel who was voraciously drinking water.
"Ya mom, I'm fine really. Stop worrying, go play UNO. you've been staring at me for hours now, go get a break."
"How could I when you fall down like that?"
"But you said he held me and hence I'm in one piece." Mel said reffering to Remy. She needed to see him, ask him questions, only if somehow she could manage escaping her mom's now restless eyes. She figured out there was no better way than than honesty.
"Mom I'm fine really, I am on periods, you know it happens might be low sugar but now that you've stuffed with food and water I am a renewed plant." She wasn't lying about her being on periods but it was due to periods hell no it was due to a human proving the existence of ghost. Till now there was a slight possibility of her being mad but it went down flames not that she's complaining about not being crazy but she gotta except that there actually was a person named Willson whom she started seeing about a week ago as well and him telling his brother to book a cruise where she was left little doubt of him being some other Willson.
"What's going on in that head of yours sweetheart tell us." Noah urged Mel to speak to them.
"Everything is fine father. I am alright."
"OK if you say so. Wanna have ice cream?"
Mel smiles adorably at the mention of ice-cream.
"Ofcourse. That would be a blessing."
She finishes her ice-cream, Martha checks Mel for fever by pressing her cheeks on Mel's forehead it looked like she was showing affection when in turn she was checking Mel for fever. That's the way it's been since Noah became Hitler for medical professionals.
They play UNO for some time, though Mel is the least interested in playing she does not say otherwise knowing full well her parents would stay close till they make sure she was alright.
She plays with the least of competition in her and surprisingly wins,everyone claps and she gets a bit more embarrassed.
"ahh you guys are acting like I won Grammy. Stop, it's embarrassing." she said a tone higher than those of claps.
"You're too humble for your own good sweetheart." Deborah gushes happily.
"Now if you excuse me can I go outside and write, I want to meet Remy as well."
"Sure sweetie. Do you like him?" Deborah asks curious.
"Mother, I literally met him today morning. Stop thinking about getting me married to whoever guy I talk."
"Except for the fact you literally don't talk to any guy!" Deborah sighs.
"You into girls?" Rick says smirking.
"I wish burrito, I so wish I was into girls, would have saved me trouble from running into boys like you." Mel retorts good naturedly before closing the door behind her.

It's not a good idea to willingly bare yourself to the slightest possibility of being in contact with Willson again. She feared she'd meet him when she returns back home and she needs to make sure it won't happen again.
Mel notices Remy standing at the spot they were this afternoon. He was watching the waters splash as the  ship moved. He was so occupied staring at the little droplets leaving a trail that he failed to notice Mel.
"Hey." Mel said trying to gain his attention.
"Oh Hey! What happened? Are you alright? You just suddenly blanked out and man I was so worried. How are you feeling."
"I'm alright Remy. It's just that --"
"Ya I know you freak out when you hear about death, your mother told me. I am sorry I should not have told you about him."
"No! It's fine, it was just I don't know maybe sun.
Well I wanted to ask you something."
"Ya sure!"
"By any chance do you see your brother?"
Remy looked at her for some time unable to process an answer to the question.
"I wish I did."
Mel takes a deep breath before asking Remy to show his brothers pic to which Remy lovingly scrolls through dozens of their pictures together and when he clicked on a picture she saw two boys charmingly standing in a gallery filled with gorgeous pictures. Mel could only stare at the picture of two happy young men, one was Remy and the other looked an awful lot like an alive version of Willson. She could not avert her gaze as Willson was staring at her from the picture. She was mesmerized at how handsome and sweet he looked when alive. She could definitely spot the similarities between him and Remy.
"I miss him but I guess he is at a better place." Josh mumbled sadly.
"Did he not tell you anything about what was wrong or something of that sort before he died?"
Remy was a bit taken aback by the sudden interest Mel showed in his deceased brother but then again she never talked much with strangers that's why her topics were wierd like stars, skies and not college and job, he now figured out all she knew were the topics she spoke and given her history with home schooling maybe she didn't actually know how to handle a conversation with stranger.
"He was about to tell me something great and huge but alas he went before that. I has a diary but I'm unable to find it. I looked everywhere in his room."
"Did you checked above the shelf  in kitchen." Mel spoke without giving a second thought, without even realizing what she just spoke but maybe that's what Willson wanted to so desperately want to tell when he sat on the kitchen shelf and had a picture of diary carved on his arm that she knew he did scraped himself endlessly and that was how he talked. She got a near heart attack when she saw him sitting on the kitchen shelf. Only now did she thought about what he might want to convey.
Remy looked at Mel Squarely not able to find words.
"That looks like an unlikely place to hide your diary but I'd check it out. Why would you say that though?"
"I don't know, maybe I'd answer if you find the diary."
The whole conversation creeped out Remy but he kept on talking with Mel.

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