Chapter 17

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"That's not possible Rose. It would lead to termination of license, the person won't be able work for life in the field of medicine again. How could someone do this? Why would he?
The doctor your friend is accusing is a very respected person I cannot even start to imagine the possibility of him doing something so cheap."
"Josh I understand what you're feeling at the moment but sometimes even after decades of spending time with someone you seldom know them.. He ain't your boyfriend cheer up." Rose makes a lame attempt to lift the down sailing mood alas it didn't strike coz Josh was looking equally gobsmacked as before.
" Rose I need details tell me the time when she first came to hospital? When was the operation scheduled? I need to know everything."
"I have everything written.. Wait a min."
"ofcourse you do Sherlock." he manages to muster a slight smile at the sight of Rose being all immersed in the contents of her phone. He always thought she looked like a doll with bizzare hobbies. A perfect round nose not that high, not low it was just about right. bow shaped lips that were impeccably parted, perfect white pearls of teeth, straighter than her personality and those eyes pitch black eyes of hers he casually got lost in were engrossed searching details that he knew damn well she was searching in files while she noted it on notepad. Uff no time for you to get lost in her beauty right now you have plenty of time Josh sighed over how easily he can get lost at such heart wrecking time.
"Check in notepad."
Rose complies since there were many files named victim and number. She wanted to mentally slap at her stupidity but then again numbering always worked for her but today she was nothing more than an emotional wreck. A bundle of nerves with sensory overload.
"Oh its there! The latest note.... How did you know?"
"I have years of experience when it comes to you and that brain of yours. Send it to me."
"Right there done."
"I'll figure out everything about him and if someone did this be it anybody I promise you I'll make that person pay."
Rose smiles a full blown happy smile of hers before getting distracted by the ding of message flashing her screen, she quickly opens it it was Aunt Martha and her messenge," Don't you think about going home, stay at Josh's and after we leave for trip I'll be giving extra pair of key at Josephine's place take it from her and stay at farmhouse. Don't trouble Josh take care, love you."
Josh raises an eyebrow demanding what was written.
" It's aunt Martha she wrote I can take key from Josephine and stay in farmhouse ofcourse I ain't going home anytime soon , Josephine's her closest neighbor that happens to be like 2 km from her place."
"Oh ya I completely forgot you'd be staying here tonight. Well even after they leave for trip there's no need to stay alone you can stay here, it's in city and far more feasible for your ninja tactics."
"For two weeks Josh you sure you can handle that?" Rose says cheekily.
"Have I not being doing that since years?"
"Handling your precious gluteus."
"Oh please you're stealing my lines."
" Do whatever you see fit but I really would hate it for you to stay alone knowing that there are people behind your life it would be a smart decision for you to stick with me believe me." Josh offers all puffed up.
"We'll see that afterwards at the moment I am starving literally. I bought sandwiches from home let's eat those."
"Oh my grow up Rose even kids eat better than you!" Josh mutters looking at the half eaten sandwiches.
"It's Rick not me.. Eat now." Josh needed no second invitation to dig in.
"I am not able to sleep, your bed is wierd."
"I'm adjusting on couch for you and look at you whining over my marvelous bed. Do you want to sleep on couch.?"
"I'll fall it's too small to sleep in."
"A 6 foot man is adjusting I am sure you being 5 can manage spaciously."
"I am 5 '4"! I wanna sleep I can't, help me! What are you doing??! "
" Trying to sleep given that you'd let me. "
" Go sleep on bed I'll look into something I slept like a log due to that pill. "
" Ah explains. Okay bye. Don't wake me up if you don't want consequences. " Josh gave Rose side look before reaching out his bed.
Rose knew full well Josh being a giant was uncomfortable sleeping on couch. Now that he was on bed she felt more comfortable knowing he would get rest he so deserved.
She mindlessly went through all the texts she got that were yet to be shared with Josh.
She roamed throughout his apartment as though it was hers, ransacked drawers, fridge almost everything, found ice-cream, scooped herself a bowl of that chocolate ice cream and began licking making way towards the gallery. She admired the fresh breath that was offered by the heights of the building and the beauty of clear sky never failed to amaze her. Soon after completing ice cream and rereading Harry Potter online she felt her eyes drooling and made way towards couch which was comfortable for sitting but sleeping was an altogether different genre.
After trying to adjust for the zillionth time she gave up on the couch altogether and went to bed where Josh was spread wider than peanut butter.
Sleep dominated her brain and all she wanted was a soft bed that she denied to give Josh, soon regretting her decision she quickly moved his legs and arms, made space and fell with a thump sighing in relief when the bouncy bed and and soft linen made contact with her back.
Sleep clasped her like an arm of lovers or was it an actual arm around her, she gave little thought and went to her dreamland.

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