Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Mel stilled at hearing the name Willson and what he spoke next was further proof of what she was fearing.
"You won't believe if I told you, he appeared in my dream and asked me to book and be on this cruise four days ago and I was as shocked as scientists who first discovered the fifth state of matter. I found the exact cruise with the same name and date of voyage, I booked it without a thought and here I am. "
Mel started sweating more than she actually thought possible, she could feel blood getting drained from her face running towards her heart. She suddenly could see nothing but blur before she slipped into an abyss.
Had it not been Remy there resisting her fall she could have straight planted her face on the floor.
It was so sudden Remy didn't get a second to think about the situation when he saw Mel's face pale considerably and her eyes turn upwards unnaturally before she lost her balance, he took her in arms giving her support of his body before shouting for help.
Looking at a freaked out lady dashing her way towards Mel he figured out that was her mother by instinct.
"What happened?! Did you do anything to her??!"
Deborah started talking frantically taking Mel away from his embrace.
Noah, Bob, Martha and Rick quickly followed behind Deborah.
"We were talking normally and about a minute ago she was just fine, suddenly when I started talking about my brother that I lost recently she turned pale and you can see what happened next."
Deborah and others offered Remy their condolences. Noah takes Mel in his arms and takes her to her room followed by everyone behind.
" She has always been like this, too sensitive to bear any harsh reality. She has always been afraid of death and you telling about your loss might have caused this. She's too innocent, too naive for her age. Please be careful to not slip any hardship or difficult situation infront of her. I am thankful for you helping her and I offer my condolences for your loss. " Deborah says genuinely concerned over the loss of the stranger infront.
" It's ok ma'am and I will most definitely keep everything in mind about Melissa. "
Deborah smiles before looking at Mel.
" Ma'am if you want I can ask if there's any doctor aboard."
"We don't believe in doctors and medicine." Deborah states calmly at which he could clearly see the lady beside Mel on her bedside eyerolling.
"Oh OK if that's the case."
" Don't worry young man she's fine, just a reaction to stressful situation which is given since you were talking about death infront of Mel who's paranoid about death. Don't worry this is coming from a doctor. They don't believe in medicine and yet they are stuck with a nosy doctor in their family. " the lady who was eye rolling minutes ago spoke up." I'm Martha their unwanted family doctor. "
Martha smiles at Remy to which he smiles in return.
" I'll leave you guys alone, please let me know if anything wrong I'd like to help. "
" Thank you son. " Noah replies curtly.
Bob takes Remy outside, closing the door behind him.
" I'm Bob, Martha's husband. Don't worry about Mel she'll be fine, Martha is stubborn enough to treat anyone without their consent let alone Mel her niece. Mel is lovely child but she's too innocent, almost like a child, she seldom left her home and encountered strangers, you seem kind please take care of her. " Bob entrusts responsibility on Remy with emotion and all Remy could think of was that's a weird combination of people in one family but they all seemed very sweet nonetheless.
" I'll do my best Mr. Bob! "


" No no no! I'm telling you there has to be an outlet across the building. I saw it with my own eyes today! Where did it vanish?" Rose whispers frustratedly at Josh.
"I don't know, I am believing what I am seeing at the moment and that's nothing ."
"I can't believe you are that dumb, I thought doctors were supposed to be smart." Jason interjects.
"What's your theory then Mr Sherlock?"
"Maybe they build one when needed." Josh looked unimpressed and Jason sighed over having to explain more.
"What?! Stuff ain't always made with bricks and cement it can be with stuff that could be folded, condensed in space and open at will."
Josh made an 'o' at the possibility.
"Anyway let's get out of here. I have been keeping a watch and there are total of eight people in that area. We need to be equipped with either a plan or weapons and since we ain't cops we'd be murderers if we kill any of them."
"Are you sure it is the area where they harbor organs."
"I am sure. I hacked into tons of systems before getting here. Unless it's a bait, this is quite true." Rose says sheepishly at the possibility of her investigation turning false.
" OK if you say so I'm planting few micro cameras we'd get to see everything at least what happens at the entrance." Jason provides an angle to their plan.
" Oh my God, oh my God! Look I told you." Rose energetically calls Josh and Jason to witness what she was looking at.
There appeared a tunnel like structure big enough to accommodate a walking human and their was a truck. The space between the tunnel and truck was so small that they could only suppose it was a man loading boxes in truck, the slight of whatever side of box that was visible from that it looked like metal boxes.
"So it ain't a bait after all." Jason says enthusiastically before making innumerable calls and shouting instructions in all directions.
"Rose, Josh we are at the heart of one of the biggest racket. Anyway I have to go submit your things Rose. Josh would buy you new, would you not Josh? Did you keep the hard drive safe?"
"All done sir!" Rose chirps merrily.

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