Chapter Six

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It's almost 2am and none of us felt like sleeping even in the slightest..
Mom dad were busy calming Mel telling her stories of how just a a month ago they discovered their own identity, how they could see angels, Demons God knows what other shit they're claiming to have seen while kissing Bible.... More than Mel her parents needed medical attention Rose thought all the while noticing how Mel's face was lightning up at the slightest mention of them being able to see creatures that didn't exist...
Am I nuts or are they?? Nothing absolutely nothing was making sense.. Here she thought how one blood report would solve problems from their life and here she was listening to how her mother thought she lost weight because Demons were chomping down her muscles and sucking her blood, how she could see something so far or close and that father used to claim otherwise.... A bunch of situations that made absolutely no sense and were making Rose's head throb by searching any sane logic behind what she was hearing. Her father's stories revolved around flashbacks of past on which Mel jumped with excitement saying, 'me as well father!' Atleast someone had little sanity I mean he didn't claim to see future so there's still hope she thought.. Listening this all gave her severe headache in no time. She quickly thought of something that gave her some stability.
"Sorry to interrupt, I have many questions but before that I'll get us all juice else we'll soon get heartburn."
Everyone nods in unison and her father goes back to telling his God knows what fantasies...
She quickly goes to her room and takes Mel's tablets that she hid before this evening.. I wonder if she noticed.... Ahhh time to confront her tomorrow not today, focus Rose focus. She self talks herself into mode of action. Quickly mixes tablets in her parents and Mel's juice, serves them and waits for the effects to come forth. After 10 minutes or so finally they sleep.. Rose takes a deep breath of relief. Grabs her phone calling Josh. On the fourth ring itself he picks up and starts asking for what's the case, emergency and starts giving directions for OT even before listening a word from the other side..
"Josh Josh, it's me calm down, it's me ROSE."
"Christ Rose what's wrong? Are you still upset about me not getting reports?! It's like 3!"
"I'm so sorry to bother you Josh but it's kinda emergency-"
"Oh God did someone get a heart attack?? What's wrong?"
"My parents.... Take their bloodsamples as well. Come now, quick"
"What?! Why???"
"I think all my family went insane!"
"You do know that if that's the case then it won't  get you anything in blood reports. EEG would show some abnormalities in brain waves but I'm no psychiatrist if they literally turn out insane... I wonder how come it went in reverse gear when you're the most insane one! Well, CT, MRI can lead to something like presence of any injury to brain or other tissue or even tumor..."
"Some tumors release harmones, may elicit immune response, what if they have teratoma!!"
"Someone's pretty smart for being a non medical."
"Well it's because someone has the urgent need of sharing all their gross medical cases with a non medical. Last week you showed me that disgusting surgery of some severe Ew I don't ask for such knowledge but you force me to which I must say comes in handy many a times so thank you and get your ass here quick as possible before that pills wears off. "
" You gave them sleeping pills?? "
" Yup. "
" Well your sister slept like for 10 hours and your parents would have ingested it the first time so you knocked them off for pretty long time might I add. I'm coming we'll get this through. Bye "
" Bye, come fast Im waiting "
Rose was just about to enter sleeping mode when she was startled awake by screeching noise of vehicles... It has to be big for the sound it caused.
She came out to see two ambulances and Josh outside his car making way towards her..
" why the ambulance?? you just need syringe to take blood."
"You know how much your parents are against medicine what better chance would we get to test them for whatever we want, well except urine and stool test but still that's related to kidney and gut!  Even creatinine levels can be measured through blood! ! I'm gonna do their MRI, CT, ECG, EEG very important, blood test, ph test.... Hell all the freakin tests. "
Josh was speaking rapidly with all his medical fervor and all Rose felt was to be blessed to have him by her side.
Josh convinces Rose to stay home and get some sleep since all the tests would take a while and he had a surgery at 6 so he arranged to run all tests that he stated via his colleges and they'd send them home via ambulance as soon as everything gets done..
"So don't worry just stay, ambulance will come and they'd leave your parents and Mell in their bed. I've talked it out everything is done.. Relax now."
Rose exhales the unknown breath she was holding, breaks down a little while hugging Josh... He tightens his grip and wishpers, 'it's gonna be alright they can't be considered insane if you are sane." she smiles at this nudging him to leave her..
"Thank you for everything Josh... What would I have done without you."
"My article awaits your hands to be worked upon my lady." he smiles saying in typical cheeky tone of his that earns a little laugh and a light slap from Rose.

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