Chapter Nine

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I woke up with a start trying to remember what all happened and so as to why was I sleeping on chair.. I stare at my laptop ahhh the vedios. I might have fallen asleep before seeing it. I play the vedio.
Someone was cutting open stomach, camera was placed in a way that I was able to see only side view and the person had surgical mask on. Ughhh almost had an urge to throw up when he pulled out what looked an awful lot like a liver . This was my first time seeing a real organ and given my fear of blood I should be awarded for making through half the vedio.. I didn't feel like watching it any further. What's this got to do with my family!  My blood went cold as soon as I figured obviously the person getting cut was dead since no machines were attached... Were we about to get slaughtered for our livers?! For Godsake what the hell was going on. I dialed the numbers that gave me tip yesterday.... All of them were switched off.. Each one of em. What should I do now? Who should I turn to? Weren't we under ghost threats when did the plot changed for this?! Why would someone kill us?! Exactly why? Father never harmed anyone he probably doesn't even have any rivals by the way he handles them. My head started hurting just by thinking about how would they take this. I certainly must tell them this urgently. It was just 7.30 ahh and here I thought I slept for hours. I rush to bedroom they were still sleeping... I pace all over the house. Who could I talk to?! Even Josh was in surgery.. I never in my life felt this helpless. I called aunt Martha and told her to immediately come at our place . Aunt Martha, her husband and their son all arrived within 20 minutes. I told them that I received tip about our family not being safe and parents and Mel were given sleeping pills , also told them how they managed to get them tested with Josh's help and asked to keep it a secret.
Aunt Martha was a physician herself. She was not in the least religious and that was one of the main reasons for dad to not involve her in our close relatives but she was the only one who loved father no matter what he did! She and her husband showed up at all the family gatherings, and celebrations without any invitations. Father too might love her for he never disrespected her upfront or banned her from visiting us not that she would have listened but still that says enough. Aunt hugged me and told me that she was proud of me for getting them tested! Seriously did she not hear the threat to our family part.... Ahhh these doctors I tell ya people! I don't go deep, didn't mentioned the letter or vedio just told her how they could see things which was enough to raise her doctor radar... She knew how to avoid talking about medicine and still be able to get info. Father was her toughest of patients she used to joke.
"Tell them you visited for blah blah insert your own reason and I happen to need my project work done so I left rather than waking them since you were here.."
She nods in understanding. Rick asks me if I need a drive to which I politely deny saying I already booked taxi while still talking. I didn't want any of them to be involved in anything. Uncle Bob patted my back before I left.
The only person who had my utmost trust and respect apart from family was Father Patrick.
I used to love going church in childhood. Still memories of me laughing and giggling at all the jokes father Patrick once said warms my heart. He begged my parents to take me hospital to which my parents turned blind eye under the name of religion or should I say twisted belief in the name of religion. Things changed quite a bit in church and I became victim of experiment for someone else's faith.
Science and religion should be two sides of one coin and not two coins of different currencies..

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