Chapter 30

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"No shit oh my God you're Rose!! I felt it! I can't believe you've grown so much. Did my brother take proper care in my absence?"
Rose was so confused at the moment and it went deeper when she saw Josh grimacing.
She faintly recalled calling Josh as Jason when she was young but then she just assumed Josh changed his name from Jason to Josh. It was a fleeting memory and she sure was too young considering they were five years apart.
It was Jason with whom Rose spent her early childhood. Josh was always behind the doors busy with encyclopedias and documentaries. He saw Rose and played with her sometimes pretending to be Jason.
Jason left when Rose was 6 yrs and he eleven, he left to be trained for Marshall arts in the depths of Warmi forest under highly skilled monks. Jason has always been the perfect son and when he left Josh was nothing but relieved.
It was the first time after sixteen years Josh was seeing Jason, his brother.
"What is all this care to explain Josh?!" Rose snaps impatiently.
"You spent six years of your life playing with Jason and not Josh. I hardly ever came out of house. He left when he was eleven and after that you became my only friend. Its the first time I am seeing him in sixteen years, believe me I am as shocked as you are. "
Jason hugged Rose in a giant warm hug. He could not believe his eyes the little girl he was so protective about turned into a gorgeous lady. He could not stop hugging Rose and Josh practically drew them apart annoyed to see Jason claiming Rose.
" My God this is literally a dream, there can't be such melodrama in real life I'm dreaming right?"
"You are very much not." Jason pinched her nose and she remembered Josh pinching her nose all the time when she was young and now it made sense so as to why he suddenly stopped pinching her nose, turns out it was not Josh after all who used to pinch her nose.
" I missed you so much cutie pie." Jason pinched her cheeks lovingly, he just could not take in to see Rose all grown up almost to his chest and man she was beautiful a splash of warmness spread all over his heart for Rose.
"She hates being called that." Josh says frustratedly and as much as Rose has to agree with him on that she could not hurt Jason in the slightest she had always missed Josh of childhood, when he was young he acted different. Never in her wildest dream would she have thought about the person she was missing was actually a different person all together.
"I don't mind." Rose says leaving Josh stunned. He could not wrap his mind around how she reacted when he first called her cutie pie doing all yuck actions, she preferred being called badass to cutie pie and it stinged Josh when she allowed Jason to call her. For a minute he was afraid he'd loose her to Jason like he always did in childhood, his friends, parents, teachers, everyone seemed to love Jason more than Josh.
Jason smiles at Rose and looks back at Josh while complaining about how hungry he was.
"What do you have for food brother."
"Stop calling me brother!" Josh snaps coldly to which Jason smirks exactly knowing all the things that would rill Josh up in a frenzy.
"Sixteen years and you still have the same reaction to that word, some things never change after all."
"I prefer Josh. Thank you and how did you know my address?"
"I know everything whatever I wish to know did you forget I'm no less than a real life ninja." Jason taunts Josh further. Rose seems to be enjoying herself watching them bicker over nonsense, she made herself comfortable on couch and they realised about her enjoying their quarrel when she burst out laughing at what Josh said. Him saying, 'I wish you had trouble with your trigeminal.' was all Rose knew to well, that was how Josh cursed people and little did Jason know about what on earth was trigeminal, his face was full of confusion trying to extract meaning from Josh's curse.
"You are enjoying this too much ain't you? Now pray tell what this idiot just said."
"Josh is cursing you" she laughs before explaining, "trigeminal nerve when pressured or blocked might result in immense pain, it feels similar to being in fire from the inside."
Josh puffs his chest the way Rose answered feeling proud at all the knowledge he managed to pass to Rose all these years.
Jason laughs at this.
" Man! I was wrong to think you are mature, still a nerd. "
Rose could see Josh loosing his calm and before anything slips the fragile civility between the brothers she manages to gain their attention.
"Food anyone, I just ordered sushi. I hope you like sushi Jason, Josh loves it."
"No! He hates sushi! He threw the first bite of sushi when we were dining with our family. Such an uncultured human I tell you."
Josh turned a shade of tomato and was ready to wish 7th nerve palsy on Jason!
"I happen to grow up to love sushi apparently things change and not everything remains same."
"Well good for you brother coz I love sushi. Let's wait till it arrives. Oh and I wanted to tell you about your devices."
Rose's ears turned one eighty degree at the mention of of her laptop and mobile.
"Thank you so much for finding those! You could not imagine the favor you just did to me Jason! It had all my cases and so much of invaluable data. Thank you loads."
"I was about to say, you can't have it -"
"What?! Why would you say that?!" Rose could hardly believe loosing them again.
"The person who stole it from you is a suspected prime member for crime in the city. I need to win his trust, be on his good side no matter what. I copied all your data from laptop and mobile in a hard drive. I deleted folder Josh and all your and Josh's photos from the mobile since I look like this idiot I cannot risk him getting seen anywhere. It's a relief he stays in town and all he goes to is hospital and home, people hardly know him and I can hardly risk of people knowing me.... Ahhh the fate of the two brothers. You can ofcourse have the hard drive and I'll submit these bad boys to him tomorrow. All the previous cases would make it look more authentic and he'd loose his guard around you thinking you ain't anywhere near threat. "Jason sighs hoping for the best, he hated to know that Rose was involved in such matters not by force but by choice.

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