Chapter Eleven

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Rose just smiles, bows and exits. It was Josh's call

"Ya Josh did you -"
"Rose no time to speak" he cuts her in between "I already booked taxi to your place make any excuse and come to clinic this instant"
"Josh listen, you need to cancel the taxi. I'm at church."
"What are you doing there?! Forget it I'm changing the adress it'll arrive in 5 minutes, we shall talk when you come bye" he cuts the call without listening reply from other side. Something might really be serious for him to act like this..
Rose waits silently outside church. By the time taxi arrives, she was feeling extremely happy for no apparent reason. She could see her childhood and merry go round, soon she feels growing ecstasy as though this very moment was the soul purpose of her life...

"Ma'am ma'am, excuse me did you call taxi? EXCUSE ME you're the only one standing here"
Rosie had a far off look on her as if she could see things in play
She comes out of trance and notices taxi with Jesus sitting in driver's place..
"Come, let's go my child. Let's go to find the truth."
She was dumbfolded, just opened the door and sat in, all the while staring at the seat in front.
It was Jesus no doubt!
"I never believed in you.. but today... oh my God. How's this even possible?! Ahhh you're God.. I almost forgot. I never thought you'd know how to drive a car.. But then again you're God so I donno. You created humans can you teach me? Where do I get the ingredients from, I swear I'll do a great job! Just give me few diamonds in return and I shall be fine.. I am not demanding you know, Mel ahh that kid always keeps demanding. She has so much faith in you.... But see you're here sitting with me. Who won?! That's me whom you chose. Listen I'm really glad to meet you. Book me a ticket to heaven will ya?
Oh and no waited its God who created humans right. You're God's son... Oh oh my God! I am also God's child! That makes you my brother!! Jesus is my freaking brother... That's so cool!

"Ma'am I don't know what you're talking about but I'm glad you booked taxi to hospital. Fare has been paid.
Apparently rose heard," you are my sister indeed. I'm so glad you gave me a chance. I was dying to meet you dear Rose. Now go seek the truth! "

She could not believe her ears she got off, Jesus looked once more in her eyes and smiled. Ahhh the smiles so pretty she thought to herself and he sped off..
" Woah Jesus sure knows how to take off. "
She feels someone hold her hand
" Josh is that you??" she was hyperactive.
"what's wrong with you Rose, I have been shouting your name since you got off!"
"You don't know! Jesus came to drive me to you! He wants me to seek truth as well..... Ahhhh I am so happy."
"Christ Rose!"
"Yes, yes! JESUS CHRIST!"
Josh notices her rapid speech, ragged breathing and dilated eyes.
"Shit Rose! Damn it were you drinking?! Come upstairs."
She follows him like a lost puppy.
He takes Rose's blood and asks someone to process it right now.. the same tests that were performed on her parents. "
" Why did you hurt me Josh? I thought you were my friend! You put Voldemort's wand inside me! I can't believe you did that! "she looks at him with anger and hurt.
" It was a goddamn injection Rose! You are in no position to understand. I'll drop you home it's 9 in morning and look at you all drunk.. I hope you're parents are still sleeping.
I don't want your parents chewing my head off. You must leave. I have so much to inform you but look at you madam highness! "
" First off my parents ain't cannibals to eat you and why would they?? You smell like hospital and you have lot of hair for that matter. AND I AM PERFECTLY FINEEEEE!"
" Believe me I can see that... "
" Let's go home my queen. "
She follows him holding the back of his shirt.

" Get in. "
She keeps staring no way in mood to get in the car.
" You're driving me home like this? Take out the wand first. This moment!"
" OK I'll take it out, I did it to protect you Rosie. The wand will protect you... from death eaters."
She gasps taking a dramatic step back...
"Oh my God! That makes sense. You did it to protect me! Awww I always knew you'd protect me."
"Will Jesus come to drive me again?"
"I am Jesus Rose."
"Oh! My brother."
"WHAT ?! I ain't your brother woman."
Her eyes widen to Josh's words.
"why are you in Josh's body? And... And you agreed to be my brother!"
"When did I ever agreed on you being my sister.. Ughh don't even think about it. I am in Josh's body to drive you home safely Rose.
And my child you love Josh, he's not your brother infact you're crazy for him remember that."
She nodds frantically.
"OK! If you say so."
Josh could not control his laugh.. But soon enough regretted his decision to take her home..
Throughout ride Rose chew upon questions unthinkable.
Rose had always been peculiar with words but now it was as though she'd earned a diploma of making people want to detach their ears..

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