Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Mom, how's Rose? Did you talk with her?"
"Yes sweetheart, yesterday, she seems to be in good spirits, you know how your sister is, definitely might be behind some crackheads and you know how much she enjoys this non-conventional living." Deborah has an urgent need to eye roll at Rose's passion.
Mel laughs, she knew Rose would have been focused if she was working on some case and for some reason she was happy, one the reasons was she not having encountered Wilson. It was like she could breathe again. She hopes she does not encounter him  ever again, she remembers how desperately he wanted to tell her something the last time he appeared, well the way he scraped of his skin made an everlasting impression on Mel and though she feared and hated Willson, she was impressed at how  strongly he wanted to convey messege, even if he was not able to pick things up, he found a way. He never harmed her but comeon who wants ghost behind their backs.
"Mel sweetie why are you here? Let's go inside have breakfast."
"Yes aunt Martha."
Inside there were splendid tables arranged for familys to occupy and she could already see everyone seated, she sits in between Martha and Deborah.
After finishing breakfast, everyone votes for playing UNO except Mel.
"Oh comeon stop being a spoil sport Melly." Rick was quick to say when Mel rejected the offer.
"Burrito, I want to write, it's been a day I've not written a word, my mind will explode if I don't, please pardon me everyone."
Aunt Martha kisses top of Mel's head.
"Go write something bright and cheerful. Afterall not everyone's niece is an artist!" Martha says lovingly.
Deborah smiles at Martha and Noah looks happy for once at what Martha said.
"Thank you everyone, play a lot! See you around."
She waves bye and makes way to the outside platform. A bright sunny day with blue sky, the beauty of waters beneath, a Neverending blanket of water stretched to unknown land invisible to eyes. She went towards the railing and continued looking at waters, it mesmerized her, filling her with a surge of energy and vigor. She felt content and happy at the the moment, drawing in a deep breath she sat on one of the many artistic chairs that were kept in the area.
Words flew through her much like those flowing waters beneath. She was so filled with the beauty of nature around her that all she wrote radiated with the same brimming beauty.
She was so busy writing that she did not notice someone was standing behind her. It was only when she looked at sky and saw someone's face did she realize someone was standing. She almost shrieked, startled at the unknown presence.
"I'm sorry, oh my Gosh I did scare you!"
"Well yes you did." for a moment she thought it was Willson and all she felt now was cascading relief to see a normal human.
"I didn't mean to disturb you, I was reading your poem and you've written so beautifully that all I could do was oogle the words."
"Oh thank you. Can we please talk in normal position my neck is hurting like this."
"Oh ya ofcourse, how stupid of me. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Remington, you can call me Remy."
"Oh that's a lovely name!"
"And may you be so generous to offer me yours.?"
"Ahh nothing compared to the fancy Remington.. It's plain old Melissa."
"Oh my why would someone call themselves plain, old when clearly what I can see is the exact opposite besides some people prefer classic."
She smiles genuinely at the efforts of this stranger to compliment her. She hardly conversed with anyone except her family and perhaps he has to be the first she was talking to casually by herself and not by her mom's order out of formality.
" Nice one." Mel replies smilingly.
"So who is your favorite author? Since I do sense a literature worm in you.."
"I love two, Dostoevsky and JK Rowling. They are my favorite. Who's yours?"
" I've read all of JK Rowling's work, no wonder she's the best seller. Ofcourse I admire and enjoy reading hers but I have someone else as my idol.
The person writes not about magic but I am telling you what he/she writes is magic-"
"He /she?" Mel questions
"Ya the one I so desperately want to know everything about is anonymous. He /she is the Best seller- and goes by Ex Animo."
Mel's heart flutters at the phrase . She had been using the phrase Ex Animo since she first began writing. It was latin for, 'from the heart' which fitted all her works since she mustered nothing but all her heart in all her works. She had been offered thousands of USDs in the past for revealing her identity but that was against her will and frankly she was to much of an introvert to want all the unwanted attention. She feared crowd and would go to lengths to not get smothered in a place filled with thousands of people.
This was the first time in Mel's life that she was talking to her fan face to face and not online.
She never even offered her fans as much as a mail, all they had was the publishing house's website and it was flooded with messages for their beloved writer unknown by face but known by her heart and words. She seldom replied but she most definitely read each and every message from her admirers of her work. She loved to read messages, often times she was blank so as to what she should reply and the task felt so daunting that in the end she hardly replied but few of them touched her heart with their words and as a moth to flame she replied those messages in trance without a second thought which often times was her writing a poem to the message in reply.
"Have you read all her books?"
"No the one that goes by Ex Animo."
"Are you kidding! Ofcourse, I told you she's my idol! Wait a minute why did you say her? It could be a male too.. who knows but man if it's a woman I am freaking 10 feet deep in love with her, if it turns out male I have the most respect reserved in my little heart for my man! Whoever it is I want to find that gem of a person. The books are flawless and thought provoking to the extent where you feel like getting up and shaking the world. The person is literally someone else! "
Mel blushed, never in her life she heard someone talk so animatedly about her! She was loving every moment and for a second she want to shout and tell the world she was Ex Animo which ofcourse she didn't dare to but for the first time she had desire to do what she's been feeling repulsed to her whole life.
"You seem really invested in that author." Mel said smiling as a matter of fact she found it extremely difficult to stop smiling.
"Most definitely the author has my heart, I respect the person Ex Animo."
"Oh I see what you did there. You knew it's latin for 'from the heart'!"
"Ofcourse! You know that too? Have you read her 'Emotions on Sale'? It's epic literally!"
"I have read her all works as well. I like her, 'Death Can't Do Us Apart' the most."
"You seem sure that it would be a woman." Remy chuckles before continuing, "Ofcourse! 'Death can't do us apart' is nothing but a masterpiece! I mentioned 'Emotions on Sale' because its a poetry compilation and I assumed you love poetry since" he motions her book and the scribbled poem.
"You wanna know a secret?"
"Don't tell me you're Ex Animo!" Remy says laughing
Mel let's out a nervous laughter in turn.
"I happen to know Ex Animo." that left Remy speechless for a good minute till he managed to find his voice again.
"Stop kidding! You would be hurting a person so bad if it turns out a joke."
"I haven't met her but she once replied to my message and wrote a poem in reply, the first letters of every line from her poem happened to be her mail. We've been talking to each other since then. The author is a female and I happen to be her friend."
Remy's expressions were sort of someone who had just won a million dollars. Energy radiated off him in zaps.
" Oh my sweet Lord! I can't believe this! I always knew the person had a golden heart. "

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