Chapter 19

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Rose decides to start searching for the possible clues she can get ahold of grabs her laptop, mobile and decides to go Josh's hospital, he was in OT and that definitely would mean peace but she remembered there was no need to play hide and seek anymore, taking one last look across the room she went to Josh's clinic asking for reports of her parents and sister and is informed that it was with Josh. Mentally questions her brain cells so as to why didn't she enquire yesterday about the results to Josh.
She was about to leave when she sees a doctor  talking to patients caretakers and with the surgery suit and mask he looked exactly like the one she saw in the vedio, the one who was removing organs like toys. In the vedio she was able to see only his side profile and the one performing was wearing mask and goggles there was no guarantee she was seeing the same person from the vedio but she had an errie feeling it was him.
She stood there behind him like a child about to perform jumpscare. When the doctor moved and saw Rose he turned pale instantly and that sure was not amiss from Rose's eye.
She asked him about her friend having hepatic duct obstruction and was it safe to perform surgery.
"It's a matter of time, ultimately she'd require to be operated on." he sounded so not himself like she heard him talking a minute before and now he's changing his voice, the people related to patient just raised eyebrows when he changed his voice altogether.
He quickly excused himself before Rose managed to ask more questions.
His voice felt similar and Rose could bet her life upon having heard his voice before. His eyes looked similar too.. Way too similar, it was just hard to pinpoint who. She left hospital confused and went to a nearby  coffee shop, sat there and watched vedios once again getting sure about the vedio person and the person she talked to just now being the same. Making efforts to keep her mind steady and focused she orders coffee while leaving her bag in a close distance only to notice her bag and laptop missing when she turns to return her seat. She freaks out completely, in a haste tries to check all the seats for the possibility of someone having misplaced it on another seat. Absolutely not a trace. She runs towards entrance in hopes to catch culprit finds noone suspicious, something in her tells her to make a run towards Josh's hospital she felt her legs make a run even before her mind thought about taking action. She knew it in her gut it was the man talking to her about surgery from Josh's hospital. She reaches looks for the people he was talking to does not find them, goes to the receptionist area asks about all the surgeons currently on duty and receives nothing but a negative from the receptionist stating she can't tell such private information and started demanding who was I. Who am I? That everyone will know damn well after I disclose all the illegal things running in this hospital.
"I am Rose and certainly it ain't that difficult for me to find this info, quite simple on the contrary . I am Josh's to be wife, it's his hospital and you know better whether to deny my demand or accept it."
"There are so many people claiming things and mentioning weird tales to get what they want which includes ungrading their number and all sorts of stuff . I need proof before giving such information and there's a lot of difference between a to be wife and an actual wife!" receptionist smirks while saying those lines which definitely adds fuel to Rose's now bruised ego.
Rose felt an urgent need to smack the receptionists face and barely managed breathing normally with the amount of rage boiling in her. She called Josh and like her gut predicted he didn't receive her call proving that he was indeed in OT. She feels frustration spread rapidly in all her being. Promising on making an equal with the receptionist she makes her way outside regretting the very stupidity of carrying her  laptop containing innumerus amount of valuable data she spent months collecting, data from her previous case work and so much more, argh stupid stupid Rose why would you bring that out in public? Just why?! Now what should I do? It's all useless without all the proof and information she so meticulously collected. A thought crossed her mind and she remembered that she had copied the vedios regarding this case in her flash drive as well and that gave her little relief but all the other data was just as invaluable. She clutches her head in her hands and sighs over the situation. Even her phone got stolen she so loved, she always held her phone just about why would she not have done it today?!  It all seemed like Murphy's law in motion and there was little she could do to consolidate her position at the moment. She wanted to talk to Mel, and sniffles over the loss of her belongings.
She loved her phone more than her laptop that was filled with countless files of utmost importance, but the mobile, it carried so many pictures and memories that she captured over years, her with Mel, and parents, every festive occasion and every stupidity of Josh's was locked in her phone. She felt empty over the loss of her emotional bond with the content she made home for in her cell phone and career wise, well, it was safe to say she was deep down in ruins without her laptop. She looks around herself for PCO thank goodness her wallet was with her while making order else her whole identity would have been leaked with all the cards and hefty cash. There was no PCO anywhere near her and she was too dejected to even take a step ahead at this moment. She just decides to wait for Josh outside hospital, she knew he has coffee breaks and hopefully has one sooner today.

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