Episode 23

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The plan to have Miller under total control was ready. Rose dressed in one of the most gorgeous gown that was deep red with a texture smoother than that of satin and it felt exquisite siting perfectly on her frame enhancing all her curves in the right places. She applied matching deep shade of lipstick to go with the dress and put a dainty chain on her neck making her look classier, she let her hair down, taming her curls and then defining them was a tiring process but the result was impeccable and she looked more than stunning she had carefully planted a camera in her brouch and a microphone in her bra.
After everything was done she called Josh to see. Josh was absolutely stunned to see Rose in such attire and prim pinpoint makeup not that she needed it but dang she was looking like a royalty for real.
"Josh say somethi will ya."
"um... Well you are the new Aphrodite of this Era."
Rose was pleased to hear Josh's praise and frankly his reaction gave her confidence over her appearance and she was finally ready to dazzle Miller.
"Let's pretend that our cars not working, you can see the rest, we know his parking right...?"
"I even know the dude's underwear" Josh smiles confirming knowledge of precious detail.
"OK let's leave already he might have done with fucking already! I'll explain everything in car. "

"Wow you're pretty amazing at this stuff."
"Ofcourse sweetie don't state the obvious I am journalist in play. Might as well work as an undercover agent."
"That definitely not! It's one heck of a job, no personal life and really bizzare."
"You're speaking as though you were one."
"Someone really close to me is  and I nothing but abhor the  very idea."
"It's a secret."
OK ok I think it's time to act. "
They both do their ' fighting' sign in unison and rose steps out of the car.
" I donno ma'am what's wrong. So sorry for the inconvenience, calling a machanic would take least 15 minutes. "
" There's a machanic nearby hardly 5 minutes from here I think that would do. " someone interjects that happened to be Miller.
Damn was the plan gonna backfire... Who would have thought a machanic would be the issue.. Ugh stupid Rose should have searched even garages nearby.
" I'm sorry I don't have the liberty to wait 5 minutes I gotta attend the meeting. Already running a minute late."
Miller peers across the car to get a better look at who was talking. One look at Rose and Miller immediately regretted telling about the machanic.
" Oh I would hate it for such gorgeous lady to be late. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Miller, here's my card"
"Oh that's fantastic Mr Miller I happen to be new in this town and need to reach hotel Guest ASAP."
"What a pleasant surprise I am about to go there as well!"
"Stop kidding,are you serious?"
"Yes! Most ardently. Allow me to Escort you please
Rose graciously slips her  hand in his and goes in Miller's car reffering Josh as her driver she politely asks him to do the service and get the car at her place to which Josh nods and Miller motions his driver to start the car followed by another car with his bodyguards.
Josh asks the people to pick their Lamborghini from where he rented. and quickly tails them in his Toyota. He feared about Rose's security.
Their planning was perfect and there was meeting on the floor above where Miller would play pool. Josh arranged three people to welcome Rose by the door and Escort her upstairs to make it feel legit the dialogues were carefully given. Miller definitely would be under the impression of having sat with a woman of high status no doubt.  Rose excuses herself from Miller not before thanking him for the ride and extends her hand for a handshake. Watching the look on Miller's face it felt like he could pounce on Rose just about any minute, Josh had to control himself from not crossing the threshold and yanking him a mile away from Rose.
She went upstairs and attended the event she knew nothing about, apparently it was a charity event for cancer patients and someone named Ryan was the host of the event. She watched with dry interest and it was difficult to shake people trying to engage her in conversation and asking about her whereabouts. As per plan she would leave the event and go downstairs after an hour. Miller would be there since he often stayed at the hotel itself on Wednesdays. It took efforts to sit through without having the urge to shoo all males away. mission for today was half accomplished she definitely pasted a bright impression of hers on Miller.
After about 35 minutes in the program she was asked to dance and the person asking her was the host of the event himself. She wanted to run off but apparently could not break character.
While dancing Ryan asks from which company did she belonged and that would be tricky had she not prepared before hand.
"I am new here, a doctor by profession and businesswoman by passion. I want to establish a little hospital of my own in this area. You might be aware of the hospital 'Apricus"
"Well who isn't! The most famous health care in this town. I am acutely aware of its presence."
" It's my uncle's hospital he's such an inspiration, I want to build my own institution for people and the speciality would be all the poor would get treated for free. "
Rose inserted Josh's hospital and certainly giving free treatment was one of Josh's goal and being in close vicinity it did not went amiss from Josh.
" That's so humane of you! I love it when people our age have the vigor to do something for society. Apart from that would you be so kind to bless me with your name."
The man having Rose in his arms was a genuine eye candy and it took a minute for Rose to stop ogling earlier. Though she had no intention of sharing her real name tonight she could make an exception but  when she saw Josh from across Ryan's shoulders who gave death glare to her and most definitely was close enough to pry the conversation. She would hate to get her ears chewed at home and decides better.
"Leverne Ashford ."
"Absolutely gorgeous just like it's owner."
Now that made Rose blush and when she saw Josh he was continuously patting his watch meaning she needed to leave.
"Thank you Mr Ryan!" Rose bows a little in courtesy before adding, "I'm afraid I have to go  pay a visit to someone but it was lovely talking with you."
"Believe me pleasures all mine." Ryan leaves rose reluctantly
Rose shakes herself back in the mode of action and seductively walks across the pool pretending to be surprised noticing Miller as though it was brand new information.
"Oh so we meet again Mr Miller."
"Destined to meet I tell you ." Miller let's out a throaty laugh and apart from him being a supposed jerk according to her research, she definitely had to admit he was in perfect shape and pretty handsome though Ryan was way more cute and sexy ahhh she face-palms mentally realising how off topic could a straight girl sway just by pure male vicinity . You need to slap away informantion from this manwhore Rose reminds herself. She knew how he loved to exploit girls and spent most of his income on girls.
"Glad to see you here. I got a bit bored at the event, thought to engage in games and here you are. Do you play pool?"
" I love pool!"
"Then I suppose we can play." what Rose meant to say was simply regarding game but to a man's ear and especially to Millers it sounded like a sexy invitation he could not resist.
"Would love to play with you." Miller said with every intention of playing her to bed.
Josh was throwing a mental fit by hearing the conversation. He so badly wanted to smack him.
Rose excused herself for restroom to adjust her bra and hide the microphone deeper before agreeing to play.
Miller didn't knew what was about to hit him since Rose was an actual champion in pool and most definitely a dozen of other sports.

She seductively lowers her body and aims for the ball to reach pocket. No chance to falter, no chance for Miller to even have a chance at play.
It took about 15 minutes for her to poket her win.

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